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Missouri InsuranceMissouri Insurance

  • American National Family of Companies
    Chartered in 1905, American National Insurance Company has evolved into an industry leader, ranking among the largest of the more than 1800 life insurance companies in the United States.
    Today, the company and its subsidiaries provide personalized service to more than 3.4 million policyowners throughout 49 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, American Samoa, Western Europe, Puerto Rico and Mexico.
    Directly and through subsidiaries, the company offers a broad line of insurance coverages, including individual life, health, and annuities; group life and health; and personal lines property and casualty offered through American National Property & Casualty Company (ANPAC?).
    A variety of mutual funds and American National's variable insurance products are offered through registered representatives of, and distributed through Securities Management and Research, Inc. (SM&R), a broker-dealer subsidiary of American National Insurance Company, 2450 South Shore Blvd., League City, TX 77573, Member NASD, SIPC.

    521 N SCOTT
    BELTON , MO 64012-1730
    Phone: (816) 322-4136
    Fax: (816) 348-0914
    Email: dbaskin2001 at yahoo.com

  • Bowden Insurance Agency
    Bowden Insurance Agency has been serving insurance needs in Shannon County since 1908 when it was founded by Charles Bowden. He ran the agency, the Bank of Birch Tree, and a grocery store until about 1937.
    At that time, the agency and bank were passed down to his sons Douglas Charles Bowden and Keith Bowden. Douglas' son D. Douglas Bowden came into the business in late 1956 just after college and military service.
    David Bowden, D. Douglas' son, entered the agency after graduating from college in 1978 and built it to the point that it was a full-time occupation for one person and is now the insurance agency Birch Tree is familiar with today.

    100 FF Highway,
    P.O. Box 186
    Birch Tree, MO 65438
    phone: 573-292-3931
    fax: 573-292-3668

  • CompResults
    CompResults brings a unique perspective to workers' compensation management. Our team of caring health professionals works in concert with our experienced insurance professionals to administer programs smoothly.
    CompResults is a multi-state, provider-based PPO network. Our network of healthcare providers includes health systems as well as independent specialty practitioners. And our broad geographic coverage assures that you will have a selection of high quality physicians and facilities nearby to provide prompt service.
    At CompResults, we have negotiated EXCLUSIVE PROVIDER DISCOUNTS, resulting in some of the lowest medical rates available. We provide a line-item analysis by scrutinizing your bill for duplicate charges and the appropriate bundling of charges. We then apply pertinent state fee schedules and our exclusive provider discounts to your bill. The end result is a bill that has been adjusted to reflect significant savings.

    4330 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Suite 221
    Fairway, KS 66205
    Tel: 913-310-9800
    Toll Free: 866-825-9800
    Fax: 913-310-9700
    info at compresults.com

  • Cost Control Adjusting
    Cost Control Adjusting, Inc. is an independent claims adjusting firm which handles claims arising from all lines of coverage.
    Cost Control Adjusting has highly experienced personnel who are experts in heavy equipment claims. Mr. Ron Speraneo is a member of the National Truck and Heavy Equipment Claims Council.
    We presently handle claims for many major companies, and if you desire, we can furnish you with a listing of references.
    Our appraisals are computer generated. We are equipped with the latest estimating systems for accurate computerized auto and truck appraisals. We are capable of handling any type of marine claims including vessel surveys.
    Cost Control Adjusting is fully insured with E&O Professionals, our Liability, Errors and Omissions Policy Number is IG6505961. Our Federal Tax Identification Number is 43-1667610.
    We offer service in a 350 mile radius of St. Louis, Missouri. Service is also available across the country upon request or by referral to associates throughout the Continental US.
    We offer competitive rates and will prorate billing if handling other claims in the service area.

    380 Brookes, Suite 202
    Hazelwood, MO 63042
    PHONE: 314-895-5945
    FAX: 314-895-6133
    ron at costcontroladjusting.com

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