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International Trade Organizations

  • American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union
    AmCham EU is the key organization representing the views of companies of American parentage committed to Europe. We have an unrivaled network of contacts and expertise. With over 600 active professionals producing around 60 position papers annually, we provide substantial input into the European legislative process.
    Member companies are drawn from a broad cross-section of the European business community and are typically based in most Member States of the EU. As such, AmCham EU represents some of the earliest and most committed business supporters of the European ideal and, in particular, of the single market concept.
    Interested in working for AmCham EU? Check our open positions.
    AmCham EU benefits its members by:
    representing companies of American parentage committed to Europe in a timely and effective manner to the institutions and governments of the European Union in respect of policy and legislative initiatives. This representation is directed to those initiatives impacting trade between the US and Europe, investment by US companies in Europe, and the competitiveness of our members established in Europe;
    providing insight and intelligence on key issues, and access and influence of its members to the institutions of the European Union;
    extending awareness externally of, and recognition for, the economic, social and technological contributions made in Europe by European companies of American parentage; and
    demonstrating the continuing commitment by AmCham EU member companies to the strengthening of the European single market and to the wider development of the European Union.

  • Arab American Chamber of Commerce
    Mission: To serve as the Voice of Business committed to the enhancement of economic prosperity and quality of life for Arab businesses in the United States. To act as a united voice for Arab businesses, of all sizes and interests.
    Vision: To unite Arab and American businesses for mutual benefit.
    To participate in the development of public policy; as it affects economic growth and development for Arab businesses in the United States.
    To effectively express the views of the business community to appropriate levels of government on matters of relevance to Arab businesses.
    To promote private enterprise, business excellence, and individual achievement.
    To strengthen the organization through increasing its membership and resource base.

    Since 1943 our objective has been to improve the competitiveness of Argentina Exports constantly and expand international trade.
    Mission consists of generating great advantages for companies, offering them added value through:
    institutional support
    commercial services
    procedures technology
    international contacts
    market research

    Synthesis of Regular Services:
    CIRA counts with a prestigious staff of Advisors and Proffessionals to the service of its members, so that they can get the adequate and specific advice or clear out any doubt that can arise before a particular situation. This service can be carried out in person, by telephone or in writing. It could include subjects such as:
    Customs activities, costs calculations, logistics, contact with service suppliers, ports, banking, taxes, tariffs and other matters of interest retated to import activity.
    CIRA as managerial union entity, takes steps with the firm purpose to make the import's conditions as effective as possible with the support of public authorities such as: department of State and Foreign Trade; Treasury Department, Ministry of Public Works and Utilities; Department of Industry, Commerce and Mining; Customs General Administration and its dependant agencies, etc.
    CIRA is an institution related to the most important commercial centres in the world, commercial adjunct offices of different embassies as well as to national and international promotion centres.

  • Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
    The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada is an independent, not-for-profit think tank on Canada's relations with Asia. It undertakes research and develops and distributes timely information and focused analysis for business and policy makers. In our website you will find a wide range of information, analysis, statistics, news and Internet links detailing Canada's economic, political, social and institutional relations with Asia Pacific.
    The Foundation was established in 1984 by an Act of the Parliament of Canada. It has its headquarters in Vancouver, British Columbia.
    APF Canada receives financial support from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and the Canadian International Development Agency.

  • Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America
    AACCLA serves as:
    a reliable source of information on regional trade and investment issues;
    a critical point of communication between the AmChams, members of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the U.S. government;
    a vehicle for companies based in the U.S. to reach one of the largest business federations in the hemisphere;
    a coordinator of face-to-face interaction between business and government leaders of the Western Hemisphere; and
    a resource for publications produced by the AmChams, including: membership directories, business guides, investment profiles, and magazines.
    AACCLA's mission is to promote trade and investment between the United States and the countries of the region through free trade, free markets, and free enterprise.

  • Association of Bi-National Chambers of Commerce in Florida
    ABiCC is the cooperative association, or "umbrella" organization, for the bi-national chambers of commerce in Florida.
    ABiCC has approximately 40 member organizations, with a total membership of approximately 8,000 international business members located in Florida, constituting a major part of the international business community.
    The rapidly growing number of bi-national chambers of commerce and their memberships mirror the fundamental transformation that Florida has undergone in just a few years to become the global center of the Americas for trade, commerce, finance, transportation, communication, research and education, with a special focus on Latin America and the Caribbean.

  • Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry (EUROCHAMBRES)
    The Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry represents 41 national associations of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, a European network of 2000 regional and local Chambers with over 17 million member enterprises in Europe.
    Mission and Vision
    EUROCHAMBRES forms one of the key pillars of business representation to the European institutions.
    Its mission is :
    to represent the needs, aspirations and opinions of its members;
    to promote European integration;
    to provide information on European Union policies and programmes;
    to promote economic and trade relations between the European Union and non European countries;
    to assist its members in upgrading and adapting the services they provide to their member enterprises in view of the rapid changes of the European Union.
    The vision of EUROCHAMBRES is an enlarged competitive European Union,
    where entrepreneurial behaviour is promoted and rewarded;
    where the legislative and physical environment for profitable business is the best in the world;
    where SMEs are encouraged and supported;
    where competition is free but fair;
    which is open to free and fair trade with the rest of the world.

  • Australia South Africa Business Association
    Established in 1990, the Council comprises a National Secretariat and Chapters in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia and South Australia. Each council operates through an elected executive committee drawn from council members. Membership represents a broad spectrum of business and commercial interests, and comprises either individual or corporate members, each pooling resources and networks related to common business interests.
    All councils have an affiliation with a sister body in Africa - the Australia South Africa Business Association (ASABA) - and are also aligned with the Zimbabwe Australia Business Council.
    It was realised from the beginning that Australians interested in investigating the markets of Southern Africa needed to become more economically, socially and politically aware of what this large slice of Africa was all about, hence the creation of NASABC.
    The NASABC facilitates bi-lateral trade and investment between Australia and Southern Africa. We aim to provide our members with useful information and contacts, and communicate business opportunities from both regions to and from members.

  • Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce
    AICC was established in 1970 by a dedicated group of business people who sought to promote the export of Israeli goods and services to Australia. Among the pioneers were Syd Field, Kalman Bar-On, Harry Castle, Ben Cohen, Gerald Falk, Stanley and Bernard Ferster, Max Freilich, Gerald Goldsmith, Sir Asher Joel, Louis Klein, Arnold Newhouse, Shyr Redelman, Eli Tal and Paul Ungar. The early pioneers had much to show for their voluntary efforts, with the opening of the Israel Trade Commission, Israel Government Tourism Office, and the arrival of Zim, Koor, and other Israel companies to our shores, and the opening of the Australia Trade Commission in Tel Aviv.
    As the Chamber grew it developed a professional infrastructure of staff throughout the country. The first Executive Director was Mr John Weiss who is now the inaugural National CEO of the Chamber. John Weiss, together with National Chairman Mr Leon Kempler are responsible for enhancing the profile of the Chamber both nationally and internationally. From its early origins in Sydney, the Chamber has now grown to be a significant national business organisation with professionally staffed offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth, and a full time office in Tel Aviv. The Chamber forums are now the largest of their kind in each city with audiences between 250-1500 regularly attending major events.
    Perhaps the ultimate measure of the Chamber's work may be seen in the business statistics between the two countries. Bilateral trade has escalated from $10 million in 1970 to over $600 million today, since the commencement of the joint venture tourism program in 1994, tourism between the two countries has increased by 19, 000 in 1994 to over 25, 000 today.

  • Australian and New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Japan
    What is the ANZCCJ?
    The Australian and New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ANZCCJ) was established in 1991 after agreement between the existing Australian Chamber of Commerce and the New Zealand embassy. It is a non-profit organization with more than 400 members. The Chamber is managed by the members through an Executive Council and sub-committees that deal with specific areas of interest. All membership funds are used for the operation of the Chamber.
    What is the objective of the ANZCCJ?
    The primary objective of the ANZCCJ is to promote business and strengthen cultural ties between Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
    Why should you become a member?
    Becoming a member of the ANZCCJ will open the door to a host of facilities, services and interests. Membership provides the opportunity to build relationships and expand professional and personal networks. Whether it is a wine tasting evening or a seminar on e-commerce in Asia, ANZCCJ functions provide the opportunity to share experiences with people who have similar interests. Great opportunities exist to promote your business, and build a network through member to member referrals.

    The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber ( WKO - Wirtschaftskammer Osterreich ) coordinates and represents the interests of the Austrian business community on a national and international level. Within the Austrian Federal Economic Chambers' system it functions as the national umbrella organization for the 9 regional Chambers (one in each of Austria's federal regions) and 110 trade associations for different industries. Regional Chambers and associations have local offices to provide services in close proximity to members.
    Membership is compulsory and includes all Austrian companies in operation. The resultant membership, some 300,000 businesses draws from a diverse selection of business areas such as trade and craft, commerce, industry, transportation, tourism, services industries, finance and insurance.

  • Belgian-American Chamber of Commerce
    The Belgian-American Chamber of Commerce (BACC) was founded in 1918 in response to the growing commerce between Belgium and the United States. The BACC is a Not-For-Profit Corporation, with its Executive Office located in the heart of New York City. The Chamber maintains branch offices in Atlanta and Brussels.
    The BACC's mission is to:
    1. Foster and promote trade and commerce between the United States and Belgium by providing:
    a network of business contacts in Belgium and the U.S.;
    assistance in finding or contacting suitable business counterparts in both countries; and
    information on the Belgian and American market and assistance in preparing to enter these markets, in close cooperation with the Trade Commissioners of Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia.
    2. Develop and cultivate close relationships among its members. The Chamber seeks to enhance business opportunities for Chamber members by organizing seminars, luncheons, business card exchange receptions and special events involving high-profile Belgian and American guest speakers in government and business
    3. Act as an information center. With up-to-date research and communication tools (including numerous business listings and large databases), the Chamber is able to provide useful information on U.S.-Belgian business.
    4. Unify Belgians across the country by coordinating alliances with existing organizations, thereby strengthening the presence of Belgians in the U.S.
    5. Grow relationships with other European businesses and organizations with the cooperation of other Chambers of Commerce.
    6. Facilitate entry into the United States of Belgian students who are considering post-graduate study in American institutions or young professionals who would like to train with U.S. companies (J-1 Visa program). The BACC has been designated by the United States Department of State as a sponsor of the Exchange Visitor Program (Visa J-1).

  • Brazil-California Chamber of Commerce
    The Brazil-California Chamber of Commerce (BCCC) originated from a group named Brazilian Business, which was founded in 1994. In 1995 the need for a Chamber of Commerce that would bring together the industrial and commercial community in California became apparent. The BCCC was designed to fulfill that need.
    Today, BCCC, a Nonprofit Benefit Organization, is comprised of professionals, entrepreneurs, as well as, large and small companies interested in obtaining information on trade, investment and economic issues. The Chamber provides opportunities for members to exchange information with representatives from the private and public sectors. Whatever your business interests are; good, services, international or domestic, as a member of the BCCC you will soon develop business connections all over the world in a variety of fields.
    The Brazil-California Chamber of Commerce offers several exclusive services to it's members including a mailing list with approximately 1500 individual and company names, as well as credit reports for Brazilian companies. The BCCC also edits a by-monthly newsletter, "Brazilink" that has informative articles on cultural , political and business matters.
    BCCC is the "RIGHT CONNECTION" for those that are doing business or want to expand their business.

  • Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida
    Mission Objectives
    The mission of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida is to foster business relations and partnerships in order to increase trade and investments between Brazil and South Florida.
    The main objectives of the Chamber are to keep its members and the community at large informed and up-to-date on political, social, economic and technological developments that may affect trade and investments on both countries.
    How the Chamber Operates:
    The Chamber is an independent non-profit organization, run by a volunteer Board of Directors composed of representatives from member companies. The Board elects officers, determines Chamber policies and nominates committee chairpersons. Day-to-day operations are carried out by the Executive Director.

  • Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce of Georgia
    The Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce of Georgia, Inc. is an independent, non-profit organization founded in 1996 and headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.
    Mission is to foster trade and investment between Brazil and the United States, making Brazil a leading business partner of the Southeastern US. We are committed to cultivating trust and respect joining the people and the institutions of both countries.
    The BACC-GA is a key facilitator for Southeastern US companies seeking business expansion in Brazil and the main clearinghouse for Brazilian investors looking for growth opportunities in this region. In addition, the BACC-GA provides a strong link between the American and Brazilian business communities in the Southeast, promoting commercial and social opportunities for building mutual communication, cooperation and development.

  • British American Chamber of Commerce San Francisco
    Mission Statement
    To provide a forum for information exchange, networking, and identification of business expansion opportunities, for organizations and individuals pursuing trade and investment between Northern California and the United Kingdom.
    British American Business Council
    The Chamber is a charter member of the British American Business Council. With 32 business organizations located in the US, UK, Canada, Puerto Rico, and Mexico, it is the world's largest bilateral trade organization. The membership includes over 4000 companies involved in international trade, comprising of well over 10,000 senior executives.
    Founded in 1954, it is the second oldest British American Chamber in the United States after New York.

  • British Chamber of Commerce in Korea
    The British Chamber of Commerce in Korea was started in 1977 by a group of 7 British businessmen who met regularly to discuss common problems and to develop ways of increasing trade between Britain and Korea.
    Today, the Chamber still retains these original ideals but has developed to be an important representative organ for British business interests as well as being a regular business and social forum. On 18th March, 1997, the British Chamber opened its Secretariat in Seoul.
    The objectives of the Chamber are to promote the development of British trade, commerce and investment in the Republic of Korea; to represent the opinion of the British business community in Korea on trade, commerce, finance and industry; and to provide opportunities for British and Korean Chamber members to meet for business and social purposes.

  • British Chambers of Commerce
    The British Chambers of Commerce comprise nationally a network of quality-accredited Chambers of Commerce, all uniquely positioned at the heart of every business community in the UK.
    What are Chambers?
    These accredited Chambers are local, independent, non-profit making and non party-political organisations, funded by membership subscriptions. Accreditation is managed and developed by our business membership and monitored at the national level, to ensure we deliver only the very best standards of service and performance.
    Currently over 135,000 businesses benefit from membership of Chambers in the Accredited Network, from growth-oriented start-ups to local and regional subsidiaries of multinational companies, in all commercial and industrial sectors, and from all over the UK.
    Influence and Profile
    At all levels, local, regional and national, the British Chambers of Commerce provide a powerful voice for business. Our regular surveys, consultations and reports provide grassroots business opinion and have strong influence on government ministers and officials, MPs, and other decision makers and opinion formers.
    This is reflected by our high profile in all kinds of media; each year we generate thousands of newspaper headlines, TV and radio interviews, often directly involving our member companies.
    We are run by local business for local business, with each Chamber's Board and Committee structure drawn from the membership. No other business organisation can claim the quality, credibility and reach of our relationship with business.

  • British-American Business council
    The British-American Business council (BABC) is the largest transatlantic business network, with more than 30 chapters and 4,000 member companies based in major regions throughout North America and the United Kingdom.
    All the BABC's chapters are independent, regional, British-American business organizations that support and participate in the BABC to provide a broader transatlantic business network for their member companies.
    The BABC's goals are to support its chapters and member companies by:
    Promoting the unique business partnership between the U.K. and U.S.;
    Providing its chapters and member companies with access to a broader, transatlantic business network;
    Offering a number of business opportunities to its member companies, in addition to the benefits they enjoy as members of their local chapter.

  • British-Caribbean Chamber of Commerce
    Trade links between Britain and the Caribbean are centuries old and whilst relationships have changed over the years the same mutual interests and opportunities for bilateral trade are as strong today as they have always been.
    The British-Caribbean Chamber of Commerce, as part of a global network of Chambers of Commerce across the world, exists to promote bilateral trade as well as educational and cultural opportunities on behalf of companies and individuals interested in Britain and the Caribbean.
    As founder of the British-Caribbean Chamber it gives me particular pleasure to see the Chamber's UK operation located in Hull with Hull & Humber Chamber of Commerce, the home city of William Wilberforce. With our main Caribbean office housed at the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Commerce in Port of Spain, we are ideally placed to offer all companies, large and small, the chance to enter a new and exciting international business network.

  • British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce
    The British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce is a dynamic, independent business network with over 700 members of all sizes, including most of the top companies in the UK, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Our aims are to promote British-Swiss business, further the interests of our members, provide an extensive range of professional services, and offer a wide variety of opportunities to develop key professional and personal contacts.
    The Chamber has:
    Regional Chapters in: Zurich, Basel, Geneva, Liechtenstein, Ticino and London
    Activities in: Bern, Lausanne, St. Gallen, the Channel Islands, and Eastern Switzerland.
    Special interest groups: a Business Technology Forum, Small Business Forum, Education and Professional Development Group, Responsible Business Practice Unit, Public Affairs Commission, and a Legal and Tax Chapter.

  • Business Gateway International Trade Fife (BGITF)
    Business Gateway International Trade Fife (BGITF) is an initiative set up to promote the importance of international trade to the Fife economy and to help increase the level of international trade activity in Fife.
    Researching the nature and extent of international trade activities in Fife.
    Identifying the needs of both existing exporters and potential exporters.
    Providing a range of services, the majority of which are free, to Fife businesses to help increase their export capabilities.
    Providing a local access point to other services provided by national agencies, e.g. Scottish Trade International, British Trade International.

  • California Council For International Trade
    CCIT is a 44 year-old trade association, the only statewide organization dedicated to advocating sound policy to open overseas markets for the benefit of California producers of goods and services that need those markets to fuel California's economic growth.
    CCIT is a statewide network - a coalition of California's leading voices supporting free and open international trade policy. CCIT's network partners include large and small manufacturers, exporters and importers, providers of financial, technological, transportation and entertainment services, along with educators and former federal and state trade officials.
    CCIT is a proud partner of the International Economic Summit, a world trade simulation for high school students.

  • Canada-South Africa Chamber of Business
    The Chamber with Chapters located in Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver is an independent, non-profit organization, with strong working links with both the Canadian and South African governments. The Chamber is also affiliated with the South Africa-Canada Chamber of Business in Johannesburg. With this link the Chamber is able to identify business partners and opportunities through its South Africa based counterpart.
    The Chamber's mission is to serve as a resource and catalyst for its members and for Canadian companies in general in developing their business interests with South Africa. It offers a broad range of services by:
    Providing access to a broad cross-section of relevant contacts and to current information on investment and trade.
    Serving as a Canadian point of reference for South African trade missions and South African companies.
    Collaborating with similar organizations across Canada and with counterparts in South Africa.
    Providing networking opportunities for members by organizing meetings with high profile speakers, chosen for their significant knowledge of important issues of interest to members.
    To create economic growth opportunities for our members by providing business and social networking activities.
    To provide practical and focused assistance to business.
    To stimulate and support trade in goods and services, investment and technology transfer.
    To increase membership satisfaction, retention and revenue.
    To increase the Chamber's visibility and accessibility.
    A dynamic and influential business organization dedicated to promoting and developing business interests between South Africa and Canada. The Chamber provides a focal point for establishing business contacts and networking opportunities, serving as an influential advocate with governments, and advancing common interest agendas for a diverse and vital membership.

  • Canadian - Bulgarian Business Council
    The Canadian - Bulgarian Business Council (CBBC) is a Canadian non-profit association that was legally formed on April 16, 1996. Its mission is to promote product, service, information, and expertise exchange as well as economic co-operation between Canada and Bulgaria. Its main activities are to:
    offer to its members recent and useful information about the Bulgarian market, laws and rules;
    organize business and/or exploration trips;
    organize internships for Bulgarians in Canada and for Canadians in Bulgaria;
    organize Canadian-Bulgarian forums (seminars, conferences);
    maintain collaboration with Bulgarian partners.

  • Canadian Chamber of Commerce
    The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is The Voice of Canadian Business
    Since 1925, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce has been the largest, most influential advocate for business in Canada. Founded with the aim of creating a strong, unified voice for Canadian business and a set of values from which policies encouraging prosperity would emerge, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce continues to be the only voluntary, non-political association that has an organized grassroots affiliate in every federal riding.
    As the national leader in public policy advocacy on business issues, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce's mission is to foster a strong, competitive, and profitable economic environment that benefits, not only business, but all Canadians.

  • Canadian Council for International Business
    Among Canadian business organizations, the Canadian Council for International Business leads in influencing international policy development as Canada's business channel to two key world bodies, the ICC and BIAC.
    The International Chamber of Commerce promotes global trade, investment, open markets and free capital flows. It consults with the United Nations (UN) on key business-related issues and is a conduit between global business and the World Trade Organization (WTO).
    The Business and Industry Advisory Committee represents the business community's views to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on issues facing the business community within the industrialized world.
    Through the CCIB's policy committees, members receive timely, critical information on international policy developments. The Council communicates regularly with its members to assess the potential impact of these developments on Canadian business. Members contribute their views to the CCIB's positions and participate in ICC and BIAC committee meetings and conferences held throughout the world. The CCIB also liaises with the Canadian government on key policy issues and sponsors special seminars and workshops on international business issues.
    The CCIB works in partnership with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.

  • Canadian International Trade Tribunal
    The Canadian International Trade Tribunal is the main quasi-judicial institution in Canada's trade remedy system with authority to :
    conduct inquiries into whether dumped or subsidized imports have caused, or are threatening to cause, material injury to a domestic industry;
    hear appeals of decisions of the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency made under the Customs Act, the Excise Tax Act and the Special Import Measures Act;
    conduct inquiries and provide advice on such economic, trade and tariff issues as are referrred to the Tribunal by the Governor in Council or the Minister of Finance;
    conduct inquiries into complaints by potential suppliers concerning procurement by the federal government that is covered by the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Agreement on Internal Trade and the World Trade Organization Agreement on Government Procurement;
    conduct safeguard inquiries into complaints by domestic producers that increased imports are causing, or threatening to cause, serious injury to domestic producers; and
    conduct investigations into requests from Canadian producers for tariff relief on imported textile inputs that they use in their production operations.

  • Caribbean Export Development Agency
    The Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export), a regional organisation of the Forum of Caribbean States (CARIFORUM), became operational on January 1, 1996 but operated under project status prior to 1996 since 1989.
    Together with Trade Promotion Organisations in the Region, market specialists in the Caribbean, Latin America, North America and Europe and our Trade & Investment Facilitation Office (TIFO) in Cuba, the Agency is dedicated to helping Caribbean enterprises increase their international competitiveness and export-earning capabilities.
    To facilitate selected exporters and potential exporters from the Caribbean to increase exports by providing the highest quality services in the areas of technical assistance, market research, training, market promotion, trade information, trade advocacy and other related services on an increasingly revenue-earning basis.
    We offer to regional and international clients on a cost-sharing basis, commercial and consulting services . As a regional inter-government agency with funding from the European Union, CARIFORUM Governments and market specialists in the Caribbean, Latin America, North America and Europe we are dedicated to helping Caribbean exporters increase their international competitiveness and export earnings.

  • Center For International Regulatory Assistances (CITRA)
    CITRA is a non-profit program created specifically out of a growing demand for assistance from U.S. companies on how to comply with European trade regulations and CE marking.
    CITRA Technical Advisors travel to Europe annually to provide you with the latest CE marking compliance strategies and technical specifications available. Our consulting and training services and products are designed to meet your "time to market" needs in a diligent and cost-effective manner. With our services you are able to develop an in-house expertise in an easy step-by-step proccess.
    CITRA recognizes the importance of European markets. We also understand the problems faced when trying to access these markets. Let us help you.

  • Central North American Trade Corridor Association
    The purpose of our association is to Promote Trade, Tourism, Transportation, Training and Technology (5T's) in order to stimulate economic growth.
    It is intent to create business by building partnerships, opening doors to opportunity, and creating alliances with individuals and organizations that have similar goals. We have worked closely with representatives of local, state, provincial, and federal governments to initiate positive changes critical to commerce. We plan to continue along this path in order to help our members and supporters as they work to improve their economic future.
    Mission Statement
    We are the conduit that brings trade, development and commerce to the Central North American Trade Corridor.
    A corridor region that is prosperous and fully integrated with the global economy.

  • Ceylon Chamber of Commerce
    The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce was established on March 25th, 1839, when Sri Lanka, then known as Ceylon was under the British rule.
    This is an independent, non-profit and non-political voluntary body.
    To be the Benchmark Chamber of Commerce in the Asia-Pacific region and the driving force in national economic and social development.
    To be the most influential and effective voice of the private sector in promoting an environment conducive to national economic development within a framework of sustainable social equity.

  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and Bucharest
    Major goal-mission:
    A thriving business community
    Support and promotion for the benefit of businesses in the field of industry, agriculture, trade, tourism and services:
    Business consulting;
    Assistance to company formation and operation;
    Promotion of business contacts:
    o bilateral and multilateral business partnerships;
    o organisation of fairs, exhibitions and commercial events at home and abroad;
    o organisation of Romanian business missions abroad;
    o organisation of foreign business missions to Romania;
    o advertising and commercial promotion;
    o charts of top companies;
    High-standard distribution of products and services;
    Quality guarantee of products and services, standardisation;
    Assistance in matters of ecology and consumer protection;
    Basic information and co-operation in local development problems;
    Expert assistance in matters of commercial law and arbitration of business disputes.
    Representation and protection of the romanian business community's interests in relation to policy-making bodies at local and national level.
    Occupational training and further training of economic operators in Bucharest and in the country.

  • Coalition of Service Industries
    CSI is the leading business organization dedicated to the reduction of barriers to US services exports, and to the development of constructive domestic US policies, including tax policies, that enhance the global competitiveness of its members.
    CSI was formed in 1982 to ensure that US trade in services, once considered outside the scope of U.S. trade negotiations, would become a central goal of future trade liberalization initiatives. It played a major role in shaping the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and in the advocacy effort leading to the 1997 WTO Basic Telecommunications and Financial Services Agreements. CSI actively engaged in services negotiations in the WTO, the Free Trade Area of the Americas, and free trade agreements with Chile and Singapore.
    CSI is above all an advocacy organization, aggressively representing the interests of its members in all US and international forums where CSI can advance our members' trade expansion goals. CSI and its members:
    Advise US government agencies such as USTR, Treasury and the Commerce Department through regular briefings and consultations.
    Educate members of Congress and staff on important developments affecting US services trade.
    Engage key officials in international organizations and other governments to promote positions beneficial to member companies.
    Cooperate with private sector organizations like the European Services Forum, the Japan Services Network, and Hong Kong, Chilean, and Argentine services organizations, to further our objectives.
    Develop a worldwide network of supporters of liberal trade in services, organized through the Global Services Network and the RedServ (Services Business Network of the Americas).
    Organize CSI missions to capitals such as Beijing and Delhi to build support for market liberalization.

  • Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry
    The Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI) is a regional association principally composed of the national chambers or associations of commerce and industry in Asia and the Western Pacific.
    It is a non-governmental organisation and covers practically the same geographic area as the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the regional organisation of the United Nations.
    The CACCI envisions itself as the regional organisation of Asian and Western Pacific business enterprises. It seeks to serve as a forum for examining, crystallising and unifying economic thinking economic thinking of Asian and Western Pacific enterprises.

  • Confederation of Indian Industry
    The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the growth of industry in India, partnering industry and government alike through advisory and consultative processes.
    CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry led and industry managed organisation, playing a proactive role in India's development process. Founded over 107 years ago, it is India's premier business association, with a direct membership of over 4800 companies from the private as well as public sectors, including SMEs and MNCs and indirect membership of over 50,000 companies from 226 national and regional sectoral associations.
    A facilitator, CII catalyses change by working closely with government on policy issues, enhancing efficiency, competitiveness and expanding business opportunities for industry through a range of specialised services and global linkages. It also provides a platform for sectoral consensus building and networking. Major emphasis is laid on projecting a positive image of business, assisting industry identify and execute corporate citizenship programmes.
    With 37 offices in India, 13 overseas in Afghanistan, Australia, Austria, Belgium, China, France, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, UK, USA and institutional partnerships with 216 counterpart organisations in 94 countries, CII serves as a reference point for Indian Industry and the international business community.

  • Ecuadorian American Chamber of Commerce
    The Ecuadorian American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Miami is a non-profit organization founded on May 27, 1988, by a prominent group of Ecuadorian-American corporations and entrepreneurs residing in Miami, to promote and strengthen the commercial, financial and investment relationships between Ecuador and the United States.
    Member of the Bi-National Chambers of Commerce of the Americas

  • Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    In the early days of the Republic of Estonia, Tallinn businessmen recognized a need for an organization to unite the interests of businessmen, bankers, industrialists and shipowners and represent the Estonian business community at home and abroad. As a result, the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ECCI) was established in 1925 as a public law chamber.
    In 1927, the ECCI was accepted as a member of the International Chamber of Commerce.
    The ECCI operated as a successful organization until 1940, when the Chamber and all other private organizations were forced to close down by the Soviet occupation. During the years under the Soviet rule, a branch of the USSR Chamber of Commerce and Industry was opened in Tallinn.
    In 1989, the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry was re-established.
    With some hundred members, in order to assist in creating a favourable business climate for returning to the market economy, and to rekindle Estonia's traditional business relations with Europe and the rest of the world.
    During the eight years since its re-establishment, the membership of the ECCI has grown tenfold. Today, the ECCI is the largest business representation organisation in the country. The ECCI's membership of around 3200 companies includes the majority of large enterprises, which account for over 85 percent of Estonia's total exports. These enterprises are predominantly in the textile, metal, timber, construction and food industries. The bulk of the ECCI's membership nonetheless represents small and medium size businesses.

  • European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines
    The European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines is a service-oriented organization whose main goal is to foster ties and business relations between the Philippines and Europe. The ECCP does this by providing a wide range of consultancy services and by creating linkages between companies, organizations and individuals with exisitng or potential business interests in Europe and the Philippines.
    The ECCP sees itself as the stepping stone for Europeans into the Philippine market and for Filipinos into the European market.

  • European-American Business Council
    The EABC is a leading business association active in representing U.S. and EU companies on Trans-Atlantic trade and investment policies. The Council fosters the continued integration and growth of the European and American economies, as well as the reduction of trade and investment barriers by speaking out on issues that fortify or threaten the Trans-Atlantic commercial relationship.

    The ECCLA is a non profit international association organized corporatively and governed by Articles 60 and ff of the Swiss Code of Civil Law. ECCLA is an Agency of economic promotion which collaborates with the international organizations, diplomatic missions, enterprises and privates. ECCLA has the observer status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).It is composed by three units: a) commercial and financial promotion; b) research and training; c) international cooperation. Its headquarters are located in Geneva. The ECCLA endeavors to bring together individuals and business entities wishing to cooperate in achieving the following objectives :
    To participate in projects and programs of exchanges and cooperation with both public and private latin american institutions,
    To promote, direct and advise, in Switzerland and abroad, individual or collective entities in all areas of international cooperation,
    To represent latin american entities with european institutions and international organizations,
    To promote research in the spirit of international cooperation and/or trade from its own initiative or from mandates coming from institutions,
    To promote, support, frame and manage projects for public or private institutions, at the domestic or international levels,
    To maintain a permanent center for information concerning activities linked to latin american and european countries,
    To organize training courses with other interested institutions,
    All other objectives with an aim toward promoting the implementation of each activity between, the appropriate multinational institutions.

  • Export Jamaica
    Export Jamaica is a service of the The Jamaica Exporters Association (JEA). The JEA is an association of certified exporters which has been in operation for over 30 years. The JEA has over 200 members (companies, individuals and organizations) representing Jamaica's export sector. Many JEA members have received worldwide acclaim for setting standards in excellence and quality.
    To its members, the JEA provides leading edge technical assistance, training, export market information and export facilitation . The JEA also operates closely with several business partners, both local and international.

  • Export Promotion Bureau
    Export Promotion Bureau is etrusted with promotion of exports from Bangladesh.EPB is mainly respnosible for policy and programme measures for active promotion of exports.Co-ordinition of export development efforts at various lable.Co-ordination and monitoring of national export performance and progress.Exploration of markets abroad.Organisation of participation in international trade and export fairs abroad.

  • Fair Trade Federation
    The Fair Trade Federation (FTF) is an association of fair trade wholesalers, retailers, and producers whose members are committed to providing fair wages and good employment opportunities to economically disadvantaged artisans and farmers worldwide.
    FTF directly links low-income producers with consumer markets and educates consumers about the importance of purchasing fairly traded products which support living wages and safe and healthy conditions for workers in the developing world.
    FTF also acts as a clearinghouse for information on fair trade and provides resources and networking opportunities for its members. By adhering to social criteria and environmental principles, Fair Trade Organizations (FTOs) foster a more equitable and sustainable system of production and trade that benefits people and their communities.

  • Fair Trade Resource Network
    The Fair Trade Resource Network's goal is to raise consumer awareness about improving people's lives through Fair Trade alternatives by
    Gathering and compiling research and data about Fair Trade
    Providing information about Fair Trade to the public, the media and Fair Trade advocates
    Galvanizing Fair Trade organizations and individuals seeking to get involved
    The Fair Trade Resource Network's roots are in the Fair Trade Federation (FTF), a North American trade association of retailers, wholesalers, and producers committed to operating according to Fair Trade standards. When it began in 1994, FTF worked both to educate consumers about Fair Trade and to promote member businesses. In 2001, FTRN became an independent nonprofit focusing on consumer education.

  • Federation of Indian Export Organizations
    The Federation of Indian Export Organizations represents the Indian entrepreneurs' spirit of enterprise in the global market. Known popularly as "FIEO", this apex body of Indian export promotion organizations was set up jointly by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India and private trade and industry in the year 1965. FIEO is thus a partner of the Government of India in promoting India's exports.

  • Federation of International Trade Associations
    The Federation of International Trade Associations (FITA), founded in 1984, fosters international trade by strengthening the role of local, regional, and national associations throughout the United States, Mexico and Canada that have an international mission.
    FITA affiliates are 450+ independent international associations which fall into six categories:
    World Trade Clubs (world trade clubs, centers, councils; international trade associations, etc.) ;
    Associations/Chambers of Commerce with regional/Bi-Lateral interests;
    Associations Focused on International Logistics;
    Associations Supporting International;
    Associations Supporting;
    Professional Associations.

  • Federation of the Syrian Chambers of Commerce
    The Federation of the Syrian Chambers of Commerce was founded in Damascus in 1975 , comprising 14 Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Syria. Being a supervising authority , the Federation looks after commercial , economic and trade activities , represents the Chambers of Commerce , holds economic conferences and trade fairs, the Federation is also concerned with the economic relations between the business community and the government authorities, the Federation prepares studies and researches related to economic affairs in Syria.
    Tasks and Functions entrusted to the Federation:
    At the Governmental level:
    Discussing the proposals submitted to the management, then passing resolutions and recommendations.
    Looking after the public economic and commercial affairs and coordination between chambers of commerce.
    Representing chambers of commerce and industry to the conferences and Forums.
    Acting for chambers of commerce before the official authorities and in the Economic talks with foreign delegations and international organizations upon the Request of the authorities concerned. -Considering issues and cases of commercial nature, offering views and proposals on laws and regulations, then circulating such information to the concerned departments in Syria and abroad.
    In collaboration with the competent official authorities, Federation of the Syrian Chambers of Commerce is doing every effort to develop, improve and regulate the commercial affairs in Syria, issue publications, prepare studies and research.
    Arbitrating of any dispute between chambers of commerce or merchants if requested, provided that disputing merchants should not be of the same chamber jurisdiction and also the Federation is entitled to arbitrate any dispute which may arise between Syrian and Foreign parties.
    Maintaining direct liaison with government offices to get all requested information and instructions. -Naming members to the board of directors of joint Arab and foreign chambers of commerce.
    Participating in local, Arab and international trade fairs and conferences
    Services offered to the Business Sector:
    Arbitrating of any dispute between chambers of commerce or merchants if requested, provided that disputing merchants should not be of the same chamber jurisdiction and also the Federation is entitled to arbitrate any dispute which may arise between Syrian and Foreign parties.
    Holding economic conferences and fairs Public Services: issuing Certificates of origin, Introduction letters for visas, testifying foreign Certificates of origin issued by chambers of commerce all over the World.
    Economic and market information and surveys.
    Training for the private sector to educate them about international commercial trade and the its terms .
    Establishing branches for trade promotion to activate exportation and to attract foreign investment .
    Advocacy services , marketing surveys , and consultancies and guidance -Trade information services

  • Finnish American Chamber of Commerce
    The Finnish American Chamber of Commerce was founded in 1948 to stimulate and promote economic development, trade, and investment between the United States and Finland. The FACC serves as the premier vehicle for business networking and information exchange within the Finnish-American business community.
    Membership in the FACC is open to all individuals and organizations interested in building economic partnerships between Finland and the United States. Current members range from small businesses to large corporations in the fields of banking and finance, law, accounting, consulting, manufacturing, logistics, transportation, import/export, and distribution. Our chapters include New York, Midwest, West Coast, Southeast, Northwest, and Southwest as well as Helsinki.

  • French-American Chamber of Commerce (FACC). The San Francisco Chapter
    The San Francisco Chapter of the French-American Chamber of Commerce (FACC) was created 25 years ago (1978) and is a member driven, non-profit organization.
    Mission is serving the needs of the French-American business community throughout the San Francisco Bay and helping French and American business leaders to meet, discuss common interest, and exchange ideas through our networking events. The Chamber also provides the perfect forum for you to explore international business opportunities and to encourage your entrepreneurial initiatives.
    The San Francisco Chapter of the French American Chamber of Commerce -one of the largest in the country- regroups about 150 members who also benefit from the FACC Network that includes 19 other FACC Chapters in the United States and Paris and offers over 4,000 business contacts.
    The Organization is run by a Board of Directors and is composed of various committees. Biotech, High Tech, ECM, Consumer Products.

  • French-American Chamber of Commerce. Northern Ohio Chapter
    Welcome to the Northern Ohio Chapter of the French-American Chamber of Commerce. Located in Cleveland, Ohio, our chamber is dedicated to assisting companies and individuals interested in the possibilities of trade relations between France and The United States of America. From social events to business forums, we are dedicated to strengthening the Franco-American relationship. Become a member of our organization, and discover the possibilities.

  • G77 Chamber Trade Information Network (TIN)
    The Global Management Center operates the G77 Chamber Trade Information Network (TIN). TIN provides access to markets in the 133 member countries of the G77. TIN was founded by the G77 Chambers of Commerce to mobilize the private sector in support of Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries (ECDC). TIN is designed to provide information on trade, technology, and investment opportunities in 133 nations, along with professional assistance, training, and a database of millions of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in all sectors of the economy.
    Whether an expanding business is large or small, whether in New York or Harare, the TIN can be a critical asset for growth. When fully operational, TIN will provide unprecedented access to strategic information regarding companies, suppliers, markets and economic development resources throughout the developing world.
    For global companies, TIN will provide dependable information regarding access to markets in every part of the South. For Southern businesses, particularly SMEs, TIN will become the gateway to promoting products and developing new markets and trading arrangements with nations across the South, and around the world. With a vast subscribership within each of the 133 member countries, TIN is situated to be the center of information exchange in cyberspace, fostering millions of transactions in all areas of economic activity.

  • German-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    EKONID, the German-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the officially recognized agency to promote bilateral business relations between Germany and Indonesia. It succeeds the first German Chamber of Commerce, established in 1924 in Batavia. This first officially recognized chamber of commerce (in German: Auslandshandelskammer) closed down in 1940 during the 2nd World War. Only in 1970 German and Indonesian businessmen could re-establish a new German-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, this time a bilateral organization, with the objective to represent the business community and to promote bilateral economic cooperation. As a membership association it legally appears as "Perkumpulan Ekonomi Indonesia-Jerman". The abbreviation "EKONID" is the registered trademark of the chamber.
    EKONID is officially recognized by the German Federal Government, official authorities and leading organizations.
    In more than 30 years of its existence EKONID has developed itself into a provider of a wide range of services, far surpassing its original trade promotion objectives. It now serves 700 members and some 6.000 clients every year.
    EKONID is a non-profit organization in accordance with the Indonesian laws. Members are German and Indonesian companies, economic associations, organizations and private individuals. However, any non-members are invited to ask for EKONID's services as well.

  • Hungarian American Chamber of Commerce of New England
    The Hungarian American Chamber of Commerce is a dynamic, non-profit, non-political, independent service organization. We are dedicated to furthering the development of relations between Hungary and the United States, promoting trade, establishing joint ventures and fostering new business and job opportunities both in the US and Hungary.
    The chamber was established in 1994, by Sophia Lengyel, with years of experience helping US companies identify business opportunities in Central and Eastern Europe.
    The Hungarian American Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to furthering the development of relations between Hungary and the United States, to promote trade, establish joint ventures and foster new business and job opportunities both in the US and Hungary.
    Provide information on the latest developments of the business climate in Hungary including information on news, laws, and regulations.
    Provide information on new business opportunities.
    Host networking events in order to provide a forum for individuals and companies interested in expanding to Hungary.
    Assist American businesses in finding the proper contacts in Hungary, and to assist Hungarian firms looking for opportunities in the US.
    To hold conferences on various aspects of doing business in Hungary.
    To provide members an opportunity to meet Hungarian experts
    in business, science, medicine, politics and the arts, as well as executives of companies involved in US-Hungarian enterprises, officials such as the Ambassador, Consul General, and representatives of the Hungarian Investment and Trade Development Agency.

  • Iceland Chamber of Commerce
    The Iceland Chamber of Commerce is an association of entreprises, companies, and individuals, from all sectors of the Icelandic business community. It is an independent voluntary organisation, established in 1917, and has always been free of state involvement or official contributions.
    The aims of the Iceland Chamber of Commerce are to promote free and fair trade and business practices, to ensure fair and equal legal environment for all economic sectors, and, in general, to improve business climate.
    To attain its aims the Iceland Chamber of Commerce is active in promoting the interests of the business community of Iceland, both internally and in international business relations. It, moreover, specializes in business legislation and tax legislation. It regularly publishes reports with ideas and propositions of changes in statutes and innovative legislations to the benefit of the whole community.
    In daily operations, the Iceland Chamber of Commerce takes care of a variety of questions, problems, interests, and of talks with official representatives, for a number of entreprises, companies, and individuals doing business in Iceland.

  • Indonesian Netherlands Association
    The Indonesian Netherlands Association (established in 1978) is the official bilateral Chamber of Commerce between the Netherlands and Indonesia. The association aims to facilitate, encourage and support business cooperation between the two countries and services more than 350 members. INA operates from its head office in Jakarta, supported by its liaison office in The Hague (INA Nederland). All these activities are executed in close cooperation with and fully supported by the Netherlands Foreign Trade Agency (EVD).
    INA offers a wide range of services:
    Providing market information to Netherlands/Indonesian companies
    Pre-selecting potential business partners
    Monitoring market developments
    Market surveys and research in specific business sectors
    Arranging company visits, business missions and meetings
    Arranging business and working permits
    Handling formalities related to the set-up of PMA companies
    Organising exhibitions and seminars
    Publishing the monthly INA Bulletin and quarterly INA Magazine

  • International Chamber of Commerce
    ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) is the voice of world business championing the global economy as a force for economic growth, job creation and prosperity.
    Because national economies are now so closely interwoven, government decisions have far stronger international reper-cussions than in the past.
    ICC - the world's only truly global business organization responds by being more assertive in expressing business views.
    ICC activities cover a broad spectrum, from arbitration and dispute resolution to making the case for open trade and the market economy system, business self-regulation, fighting corruption or combating commercial crime.
    ICC has direct access to national governments all over the world through its national committees. The organization's Paris-based international secretariat feeds business views into intergovernmental organizations on issues that directly affect business operations.

  • International Cotton Advisory Committee
    The International Cotton Advisory Committee was established in September 1939
    To assist governments in fostering a healthy world cotton economy. The role of the ICAC is to raise awareness, to provide information and to serve as a catalyst for cooperative action on issues of international significance.
    Provide statistics on world cotton production, consumption, trade and stocks and to identify emerging changes in the structure of the world cotton market;
    Serve as a clearing house for technical information about cotton and cotton textiles;
    Serve as an objective forum for discussion of cotton matters of international significance;
    Represent the international cotton industry before UN agencies and other international organizations.

  • International Fair Trade Association
    International Fair Trade Association (IFAT), is the global network of Fair Trade Organizations (FTOs).
    Established in 1989, IFAT is composed of over 200 members in 55 countries and is growing steadily. Truly international, IFAT's members come from countries across Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe, North America, Australasia and the Pacific Rim.
    IFAT's members are producer co-operatives and associations, export marketing companies, importers, retailers, national and regional Fair Trade networks and financial institutions, dedicated to the Fair Trade movement. In short, the IFAT network represents the whole Fair Trade chain from product to sale.
    IFAT's mission is to improve the livelihoods and well being of disadvantaged producers by linking and promoting Fair Trade Organizations, and speaking out for greater justice in world trade.

  • International Federation of Customs Brokers Associations
    The International Federation of Customs Brokers Associations is building an infrastructure to raise international trade communication to new levels. This web service provides a bridge among member countries for information exchange, collaboration and interactivity.
    We are very pleased to welcome our latest member, the China Customs Brokers Association, representing the People's Republic of China. We congratulate them on joining us, and look forward to working together.
    The Canadian Society of Customs Brokers acts as the Secretariat for the IFCBA, and maintains this internet site on behalf of the IFCBA. If you have any questions or would like to comment on this site, please contact IFCBA.
    Meanwhile, feel free to peruse these pages, visit our latest information section, catch up on current articles about international trade. Plan to come back to visit us again as this site grows.

  • International Food and Agricultural Trade Policy Council
    The International Food and Agricultural Trade Policy Council (IPC) is dedicated to developing and advocating policies that support an efficient and open global food system, that promotes the economically and environmentally sustainable production and distribution of safe, accessible food supplies to the world's growing population.
    The IPC accomplishes its mission by:
    Convening influential policy-makers, agribusiness executives, farm leaders and academics;
    Clarifying complex issues and exploring solutions;
    Building consensus on pragmatic solutions to food and agricultural trade debates;
    Influencing stakeholders through practical and prescriptive policy advice;
    Communicating IPC recommendations to governments and stakeholders.
    The IPC's members are:
    Influential and experienced in agricultural trade policy;
    Committed to finding solutions to global food and agricultural trade challenges;
    Representative of the geographic diversity of global agriculture;
    Representative of the entire food chain from producer to consumer.
    The IPC provides:
    Pragmatic and authoritative policy analysis and advice to trade negotiators and agricultural policymakers;
    A rational forum to discuss the emotional and political issues surrounding trade in food and agriculture.

  • International Import-Export Institute (IIEI)
    The International Import-Export Institute (IIEI) is the only organization authorized by the Certification Board of Governors to administer its certification standards program to the international trade community worldwide. With the assistance of advisors, college and university experts, and members worldwide, IIEI develops, and maintains the knowledge base from which the Certification Board of Governors sets the practical standards of excellence and training requirements.
    In support of its special role to the Certification Board of Governors, IIEI offers a full line of accredited industry training courses and materials that assist individuals in preparing for the various industry certification examinations and for careers in international trade.
    In service to the evolving world of international trade, IIEI provides leadership in the development of innovative products and services that define, support and enhance the highest professional standards of certification of individuals serving the global business community. We strive to offer people in all countries a rich environment of skills, knowledge and educational support that fosters the growth and integration of the international trade community.

  • International Real Estate Institute (IREI)
    The International Real Estate Institute (IREI) Serves as the largest international real estate association in the world, with members in over100 nations, providing media to communicate on an international basis.
    The International Real Estate Institute has been dedicated to the advancement of the real estate profession since 1975. The primary objective of the International Real Estate Institute is to provide professional recognition and a method to easily network with real estate professionals both internationally as well as within your own nation. IREI is also committed to providing the most current international real estate information possible through various publications and conferences.

  • Ireland Chamber of Commerce in the United States (ICCUSA)
    The Ireland Chamber of Commerce in the United States, Inc. (ICCUSA) is a non-profit membership organization promoting the business interests of its members and the development of economic, commercial, financial and educational relationships between the United States and Ireland.
    One of the most important roles that ICCUSA performs is that of providing a forum for networking by American and Irish business executives, helping them to exchange valuable information on import/export matters, customs regulations, market research, and doing business with one another.
    For the past decade, the Ireland Chamber of Commerce in the United States, Inc. has served the interests of business executives and professionals in the U.S. and all of Ireland, contributing to the remarkable success story of Ireland's economic revival.
    One of the goals of ICCUSA is the widespread dissemination of information about the important role Ireland plays as the gateway to the European Union a market of more than 380 million customers.
    Chamber membership consists of business executives, professionals and individuals in the United States, the Republic of Ireland, and Northern Ireland. Representing all sectors of industry and commerce, the Chamber promotes business development opportunities for business firms and individuals in both the United States and Ireland.
    The Chamber encourages and facilitates business relationships among its members by providing extensive opportunities for the exchange of information and ideas. With a solid record of accomplishment and achievement focusing on results, ICCUSA's role in facilitating business development has been recognized on both sides of the Atlantic.

  • Islamic Centre for Development of Trade
    The Islamic Centre for Development of Trade (ICDT) is the subsidiary organ of the Organisation of the Islamic Conferencse, which has been entrusted with trade promotion among the OIC Member States.
    Its main objectives are as follows :
    To encourage regular trade exchanges among Member States ;
    To promote investments likely to develop trade flows ;
    To contribute to the promotion of Member states' products and encourage access to foreign markets ;
    To promote trade information ;
    To assist Member States in the fields of Trade Promotion and international negotiations ;
    To extend assistance to enterprises and economic operators.
    Trade Promotion :
    To promote contacts between Member States' Businessmen ;
    To ensure the promotion of Member States' production by regularly holding the Islamic Trade Fair and specialised showrooms ;
    To assist Member States with creating and organising Export Promotion Centres ;
    To extend consultancy and expert services to Member States in the field of trade promotion.
    Trade Information :
    To collect and disseminate trade information ;
    To Develop Trade data bases and facilitate their remote access ;
    To Assist Member states with setting up and organising documentation and information centres and Trade Information Networks.
    Investment Promotion :
    To encourage intra-O.I.C investments ;
    To promote foreign investments in the O.I.C Member States ;
    To encourage partnership between Member States' economic operators ;
    To provide consultancy and expert services to Member States in the area of investments promotion and in particular export oriented investments.
    Studies and research :
    To publish an annual report on Inter-Islamic Trade ;
    To undertake sectorial product and market studies ;
    To examine the ways and means likely to alleviate obstacles to trade among Member States.
    Training :
    To organise seminars and training sessions ;
    To help Member States establish expert groups in the various fields of trade development.
    International Negotiations :
    Assist Member States in trade negotiations ;
    To extend assistance to enterprises with a view to facilitating their adaptation to economic globalisation.

  • Istanbul Chamber of Commerce
    The Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, established on January 14, 1882 with 24 founding members, now consists of 98 Trade Committees and over 300,000 members. Our Chamber provides services in the headquarters and 4 service units with a staff of 400 professionals.
    On April 12, 1999, ICOC had the honour of being the very first chamber in the world and in Turkey to acquire an ISO 9001 Quality Certificate. In addition, after the inspections of The Accreditation Committee of The Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry, our Chamber has acquired the highest score among the participants, within the context of "Quality Strategy for Chambers" project implemented by Eurochambers and UK Chambers Union.
    Our Chamber, with a growing number of membership everyday and with its broadened and varied areas of activities, hosts tens of committees from all over world with the aim of contributing to the economic and social development and publicity of our country. As a result of this, bilateral relations are developed in order for Turkish products to reach more customers in foreign markets. And, also the historical and natural wealth of Istanbul is promoted to the visitors with the aim of developing Istanbul into a city where the trade routes meet and a city where the tourist groups unite.

  • Jamaica Fair Trading Commission
    The FTC was established in 1993 to administer the Fair Competition Act (FCA). The FCA provides for the maintenance and encouragement of competition in the conduct of trade, business and in the supply of services in Jamaica. Competition leads to optimal allocation of scarce resources while ensuring that the highest quality goods and services are offered for sale at the lowest prices. It also ensures that the greatest incentives exist for product innovation and development. The work of the FTC is critical to the achievement of these objectives.
    Mission Statement:
    To provide for the maintenance and encouragement of competition in the conduct of trade, business and in the supply of services in Jamaica, with a view to providing consumers with competitive prices and product choices.

  • Japan External Trade Organization - Toronto
    JETRO is a non-profit, Japanese government related organization dedicated to promoting mutually beneficial trade with other nations.
    JETRO's activities in Canada are designed to assist small and medium-sized companies export to and invest in Japan as well as to promote industrial co-operation, strategic alliances and region-to-region trade and business links.

  • Kaohsiung Importers and Exporters Association (KIEA)
    The Kaohsiung Importers and Exporters Association (KIEA) is a commercial group, with its members of around 500 trading companies on all kinds of goods. Most of its member companies are located in Kaohsiung city. It has been half of the century since its establishment in 1948.
    Supervised by the board of directors and supervisors, KIEA functions are as followG
    Representing our members to negotiate and work closely with the government.
    Assisting members to overcome any problems arising within business operations and assisting foreign buyers to source their products.
    Providing members with up-to-date information and technical assistance as they seek to develop or expand their activities in foreign markets. We have various kinds of reference books, directories, magazines, newspapers, and CD-ROMs available for helping our members better informed with the latest business trends. Our "Trader Monthly" newsletter also provides members with information on business news and trade opportunities.
    Sponsoring various trade workshops, seminars, and trade show participation to assist members in penetrating potential markets overseas.
    Organizing trade missions to develop markets in America, Europe, South Africa, Russia, China, Japan and also the South East Asia, for the purpose of enhancing international awareness of our region. We also have sister alliances with the Kent Chamber of Commerce, Naha Chamber of Commerce and Industry to promote business and trade.
    Board of Foreign Trade and KIEA arrange and establish Southern Taiwan Exporters and Importers Joint Service Center (STEIJSC). The counselors from sixteen departments, including Ministry of Economic AffairsBMinistry of Transportation and CommunicationBMinistry of FinanceBCouncil of Agriculture and China External Trade Development Council, are invited to KIEA every Tuesday afternoon to assist businessmen in Southern Taiwan for solving any problems in trade, avoiding any helplessness felt by businessmen, easing the hardship shuttling between each department and further promoting our export competition. Businessmen are welcome to take counsel with STEIJSC face to face in KIEA or fill out an application form for counseling service.

  • Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry
    The nation's first commercial chamber, the Hansong (i.e., Seoul) Chamber of Commerce, came into existence in 1884 as the nation struggled to transform itself into a modern state amidst fierce competition from foreign powers to dominate the country.
    The Chamber has 58 regular members and 406 special members (as of April 1996). The members of regular status are the local chambers established in major cities and counties through the country.
    Each local chamber itself comprises as its members all the natural or legal persons engaged in business activities in its respective area of jurisdiction, regardless of their scale or line of business. The national total of the members of the chambers reaches as many as two million.

  • Korea International Trade Association
    The WTC Seoul, owned and run by the Korea International Trade Association (KITA), joined the WTCA in 1972. It strives to be the World's Best Business Center, managing global information networks to mediate business transactions and to provide the most useful trade information.
    The WTC Seoul is a 605,221-square-meter facility that includes 55-floor and 41-floor trade towers, an exhibition and convention facility, two deluxe hotels, a city air terminal, a shopping mall and entertainment center.
    It also served as the venue for the third Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in the year 2000. With four subterranean levels and four floors, COEX (Convention & Exhibition Center), a sub-sidiary of KITA, offers a space equipped with state-of- e-art communicationsfacilities and advanced systems to accommodate major events ranging from large-scale international conferences to the latest high-tech exhibitions.

  • Malaysia Australia Business Council
    The Malaysia Australia Business Council (MABC) is a private, non profit organisation that was established early in 1986 to provide a forum for discussion and exchange of views on business conditions and issues, both domestic and international, affecting Malaysian and Australian companies and personnel.
    Objectives of the MABC:
    To promote and foster close relations between Malaysia and Australia, in particular mutual understanding, goodwill, harmony and fraternity amongst the business communities of both countries.
    To provide a forum for meeting people involved or interested in enchancing trade and investment flows between Malaysia and Australia, in order to exchange ideas, experience, and information, develop contacts, and facilitate interaction.
    To identify, encourage and inform members (and other interested parties) of appropriate sources of information relating to trade and investment opportunities, practices and regulations, in Malaysia and Australia.
    To support Malaysian business interests in Australia, and Australian business interests in Malaysia, by providing information, advice and where necessary, a vehicle for representation/submission to appropriate bodies/parties.
    To liase and cooperate with organisations in Malaysia and Australia with aims similar to those of the Council.

  • Malaysia New Zealand Business Council
    Aims and Activities of the MNZBC
    The overall aim of the Malaysia New Zealand Business Council is to help businesses in Malaysia with a New Zealand connection to benefit through their association with each other.
    To promote trade, services and investment between Malaysia and New Zealand
    To develop a network of individual and corporate contacts
    To disseminate information about developments which affect business in Malaysia and New Zealand
    Addresses and discussions with leading Malaysians and New Zealanders
    Production and distribution of a Malaysia New Zealand Business Council Directory
    Dissemination of information about promotions and other commercial activities of interest to members
    On-site insight programme. Visits to sites or offices of New Zealand-related operations in Malaysia
    Links with related organisations both within Malaysia and abroad

  • Monterey Bay International Trade Association (MBITA)
    Our Mission
    MBITA is a non-profit international trade association dedicated to promoting business networking, and education in the greater Monterey Bay Region. MBITA provides access to global resources and utilization through the latest technologies in order to maximize their members' profits in the global economy.
    About Us
    The Monterey Bay International Trade Association (MBITA) was founded in 1987 to promote international business and trade in the Santa Cruz, Monterey and Salinas area. MBITA is directed by experienced leaders in global trade, who understand the innovative methods of international business development. MBITA members benefit from this in-depth business and cross-cultural expertise.
    In 1994, MBITA, representing the Counties of Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito, became a partner in Northern California's BAYTRADE consortium to help enterprises in diverse industries export products and services to the Pacific Rim, Latin American, European, and other global destinations.
    MBITA holds meetings each month to keep members up-to-date on products, services, markets and regulations at home and abroad.

  • National US-Arab Chamber of Commerce (NUSACC)
    The mission of the National US-Arab Chamber of Commerce (NUSACC) is to promote, support and strengthen US-Arab business and economic cooperation.
    In 2002, total trade between the US and the Arab world exceeded $42 billion. This bilateral trade is of vital importance to both U.S. and Arab interests. For over thirty-five years, NUSACC has been the leading organization promoting commercial ties between the US and the Arab world. NUSACC's contacts, including an international array of corporations, consulates, chambers of commerce, and government organizations give it a peerless advantage in furthering and fostering American and Arab economic partnership.
    NUSACC is regularly called upon to assist the U.S. government, as well as individual Arab countries, in promoting commercial cooperation through initiatives such as the U.S.-GCC economic dialogue and the U.S.-North Africa Economic Partnership. These services, coupled with the integrity and enthusiasm of a growing membership base, provide the foundation for NUSACC's corporate mission and its vision for the future.

  • New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
    New Zealand Trade and Enterprise is the New Zealand Government's agency charged with helping New Zealand businesses achieve success at home and in the global marketplace.
    New Zealand Trade and Enterprise is the New Zealand Government's trade and economic development agency, formed from the merger of Trade New Zealand and Industry New Zealand.
    We strive to improve the capability and international competitiveness of New Zealand businesses.
    New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) offers the New Zealand business community a single organisation that can provide a range of high quality, responsive and expert services to businesses throughout their life cycle, from start-ups to internationally competitive exporting companies.
    We provide market intelligence and market development services through our network of 48 offices in New Zealand and around the world. This global capability is aligned with local strategies to develop sectors from a national and regional perspective, while assisting individual firms to improve their capabilities to take up these new opportunities.
    Clients can access a comprehensive service range to address capability and market development needs as they arise. We will also develop new programmes and services to meet and anticipate the evolving needs of New Zealand's businesses, sectors and regions.

  • North American Association For Exports To Eastern Europe
    The North American Association For Exports To Eastern Europe (N.A.A.F.E.T.E.E.) is a non-profit multi-national private sector business organization devoted to promote exports to and trade between the United States of America, Canada, Mexico and other Western countries and the countries of former Eastern Europe.
    We began operations in late 1992 as a result of changes in the business climate in Eastern Europe. The Association was formed to help Canadian and American firms and firms from any other country in expanding to new markets, help in training and educating about the area and generaly promote trade with Eastern Europe.
    We are listing East European firms (mostly only Czech, Slovak, Polish and Hungarian firms) expressly interested in doing business with Canadian, U.S. and any Western firms - usually interested to buy. You get the lead from us and sell directly to them - we are no middlemen! WE ARE ACCEPTING NEW MEMBERS NOW ! Each new member will receive a computer disks with database of East European firms interested in doing business abroad (with their exact specifications) - for free!!! And computerized databases of N.A.A.F.E.T.E.E. are loaded with much, much more and growing daily!

  • North East Chamber of Commerce
    The North East Chamber of Commerce is owned by its members. It exists to serve their interests locally and throughout the region. Government needs to understand what business needs. As the collective voice of 5000 members we speak with authority.
    With over 200 staff, NECC is the largest Chamber of Commerce in the UK and represents the independent voice of North East business. We provide a comprehensive range of business services, products and expert training to help businesses realise their potential.
    We keep members informed, increase their business prospects and save them money. Our resource and influence, as the largest, most proactive business organisation in the North East, make membership of the Chamber an essential business tool.

  • Norwegian Irish Business Council
    The Norwegian Irish Business Council (NIBC) is an organisation based in Ireland to promote business between Ireland and Norway. The membership of over 40 corporate and individual members interest themselves in activities which promotes the development of activities to promote products and services in each country.
    There is another organisation located in Oslo called NIBA - the Norwegian Irish Business Association, which has similar aims and co-operates with NIBC.

  • Organization for International Investment (OFII)
    Created more than a decade ago, OFII is a business association in Washington D.C. representing the U.S. subsidiaries of international companies. OFII's Member Companies range from medium-sized enterprises to some of the largest firms in the United States. The Financial Times profiled OFII in a May 3, 2000 article by Nancy Dunne.
    OFII has a three-part mandate:
    Educate the public and policy makers about the positive role U.S. subsidiaries play in the American economy.
    OFII works to educate policy makers and their constituents about the important contributions U.S. subsidiaries make to the American economy. OFII is a clearinghouse for statistical information (both government and private data) on the role of international investment in the United States. OFII also commissions its own reports each year to help highlight U.S. subsidiaries' benefits. One study that has gained considerable notoriety is OFII's ground-breaking report entitled Investing in American Jobs, which details the jobs supported by international investment around the country and in each state. OFII's most recent Headline Facts sheet provides an overview of key data, including research & development activity, export numbers and payment of U.S. taxes by U.S. subsidiaries of international companies.
    Ensure that U.S. subsidiaries are not discriminated against in state or federal law.
    When U.S. subsidiaries are under threat in the U.S. legislative or regulatory process, OFII is an aggressive and effective advocate for fair, non-discriminatory treatment. With over 115 member companies, OFII can claim a constituent relationship with nearly every politician in America. OFII's efforts to ensure non-discriminatory treatment for U.S. subsidiaries relies on a number of activities:
    Monitoring - OFII's staff and team of experts closely tracks policy and political developments of importance to U.S. subsidiaries;
    Reporting - OFII informs members about issues that may affect their U.S. operations. This timely and thorough information helps members understand the impact of a particular policy proposal on their business.
    Lobbying - When an issue has been targeted for OFII action, a strategy is developed and carried out for modifying the legislative and regulatory proposals.
    Provide peer-to-peer forums on issues unique to U.S. subsidiaries.
    Even though participants represent companies in a variety of industries, senior executives can gain worthwhile insight from talking with colleagues about their distinct responsibilities at U.S. subsidiaries. These conferences also help OFII to focus on issues identified in these discussions as most critical to the business of our member companies. Currently, OFII holds annual conferences for CEOs, General Counsel and Senior Tax and Human Resources Executives. In the near future, OFII plans to expand its suite of conferences to include forums for Senior Investor Relations Executives and CFOs. Additional conferences for other executives are also being considered.

    Oslo Chamber of Commerce (OCC) was established in 1908 as an independent service organization for the business community. It is the largest of 15 chambers of commerce in Norway which are constituted under private law and affiliated through The Association of Norwegian Chambers of Commerce.
    OCC can offer the following services:
    Establishing business contacts through its comprehensive network of more than 10.000 chambers of commerce worldwide.
    Access to databases to help you find new business partners.
    Preparing foreign business delegations.
    Assistance to companies in etablishing business in new markets through the programme BusinessLink.
    Deposit of source code for computer programs.
    Business analyses.
    Consultance in import/ export/ customs issues.
    Certification of export documents.
    Issuing the customs documentfor temporary importation, the ATA Carnet.
    Assistance in business conflict resolution though our Arbitration Institute.
    The membership newsletter MERCUR.
    Associated membership in Norway-Hongkong Business Association.
    Oslo Chamber of Commerce is a participating member of the following international organizations:
    The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
    The World Chambers Network (WCN)
    The Baltic Chambers of Commerce Association (BCCA)
    Eurochambers (through The Association of Norwegian Chambers of Commerce)

  • Palestine Trade Center
    Palestine Trade Center - PalTrade is a national, non-profit, fully private sector, membership-based organization. It operates through offices in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and has strong market networks worldwide. PalTrade is the first point of contact for external trade organizations seeking to establish linkages with the Palestinian private sector.
    Our Mission
    As the engine for economic growth in today's knowledge based economy, international trade is the axis of Pal Trade's activities. Through promotion of international trade and support for the Palestinian private sector, it is Pal Trade's mission to represent and assist Palestinian exporting firms in harnessing the benefits of intercontinental market penetration. By working directly with the Palestinian private sector, international agencies, and trade organizations, PalTrade builds effective business relationships that work for the individual needs of our clientele.
    Our Objectives
    To promote Palestinian goods and services locally, regionally and internationally.
    To provide its members with the latest information concerning foreign and domestic markets.
    To develop the private sector's capacity to remain competitive in world markets
    To represent the interests and needs of the private sector to government institutions and international agencies.

  • Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council
    Business Description
    Since 1994 the PRBC has worked to foster business relations between Russia and the Newly Independent States (NIS), and the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region, while cultivating mutual appreciation of political, economic, cultural and educational interests. The goal of the PRBC is to enable companies based in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region to enhance their positions in Russia and the NIS, and to attract Russian businesses to the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region.
    The PRBC is a major non-profit organization in the Mid-Atlantic Region that provides information about and services related to Russia and the NIS. The PRBC places emphasis on industries in which the Russian market is most lucrative and prosperous, including Advanced Technology, Energy and Environment, Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology, Materials/Nanotechnology, Manufacturing Technology, Information Technology, Transportation, Instrumentation, Communications, Air, Space and Surface Transportation, Agriculture, and more. The PRBC organizes more than 25 events annually, including many targeted to companies in these particular industries.
    Our mission
    The mission of the Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council is to enhance the position of U.S. Mid-Atlantic-based companies in Russia while attracting Russian businesses to the Mid-Atlantic region.
    The Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council works to foster business relations between Russia and the Mid-Atlantic region while cultivating contacts and cooperation among political, economic, cultural and educational interests.

  • Peru's Export Promotion Commission PROMPEX
    Peru's Export Promotion Commission PROMPEX was created by Legislative Decree 805 dated March 29, 1996 that became effective on April 4, 1996. Its goal is to help the development of Peruvian exports in coordination with industry and other government agencies involved in Peru's foreign trade.
    Peru a efficient and competitive exporting country, sustainable generator of wealth, integrated to the global market with value added exports based in the rational use of natural resources; a dynamic and competitive business class; a technified labor force and a high exporting conscience.
    Transform the development of exports in a national effort, establishing the basis for their sustainable growth through promotion and facilitation of private initiatives, contributing to the generation of jobs.

  • Philippine Chamber of Commerce
    As the "voice of Philippine business," PCCI continues to act as a consultative mechanism for the business community to put forward proposals and policy recommendations geared towards the promotion of a sound and dynamic business environment. PCCI promotes the interests of the business community by making representations in government and quasi-government bodies. These forums are used to constructively engage government on issues affecting the business community. Aside from this, PCCI also takes on the role of a 'salesman,' as it promotes trade and business among and in behalf of its members.
    PCCI offers relevant business services which effectively address critical concerns of its members in particular, and business enterprises in general. The conduct of trade missions, the hosting of foreign delegations, the organization of trade fairs, seminars and dialogues --- these are beyond the capacity of the average small and medium enterprise. But PCCI members enjoy these services by virtue of their being a part of our extensive business network.
    From the 53 original charter members, the PCCI family has grown over the years consisting of an estimated 20,000 direct and indirect members engaged in private enterprise, making it the biggest private business organization in the country.

  • Philippine-Israel Business Association
    The Philippine-Israel Business Association, Inc. (PIBA), grew from a core group of businessmen and friends who in 1992 organized themselves into an association to further business and social interests between the Philippines and Israel. The inaugural luncheon meeting of PIBA was held on March 10, 1993. Since then, its regular monthly meetings have strengthened bilateral relationships resulting in numerous business ventures, tie-ups, trade missions and fellowship affairs.
    PIBA is continuously evolving since it was first founded in 1992 and is gradually expanding its services to its members.
    Our Goals:
    - To promote foreign investment.
    - To facilitate commerce and industry in the Philippines.
    - To be an effective source of information relating to business, commerce, and industry.
    - To provide means for the convenient exchange of ideas concerning commerce and industry between the Philippines and Israel.

  • Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce of Illinois
    Mission and Location:
    The Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce of Illinois is a not for profit corporation established under the laws of the State of Illinois (PRCCI). The mission of the Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce of Illinois is to develop, assist, and promote Hispanic business interests, and other businesses in the State of Illinois.
    Business Services
    Our business resource center provides invaluable business information and assistance in the areas of capital funding, financial planning, insurance, business planning, marketing, and technology. PRCCI has established a network of professionals who volunteer their time in order to help businesses succeed in their business goals. Soon we will be offering assistance with MBE/WBE city certification.
    In order to promote technology use in business, we have developed the Business Technology Center (BTC). The BTC exists to assist entrepreneurs and small businesses with access to the resources that they need to grow and attain long-term success. The BTC, acting as a proving ground for technology applications and utilization, will serve to stimulate small business formation, growth, and survival. High-speed Internet access is available during business hours to businesses that wish to use the center for research and business planning purposes. PRCCI members have access to business services and discounts from PRCCI and companies including:
    PRCCI Business Technology Center
    PRCCI Resource Center
    PRCCI 2002 Business Directory (hard copy and online)
    American Express Financial Planning
    Business-Legal publications from the law firm of Ross Hardies
    PRCCI is a delegate agency to the City of Chicago's Business Express Program. Business Express is the Chicago business community's link to city and community-based programs that solve business problems. Business people who call our office or 311 are referred to a Business Express account manager who provides prompt, accurate, problem solving information.

  • Representative Office of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and China Chamber of International Commerce in Canada.
    With mandate to promote the economic and trade relationship between China and Canada, we will be very pleased to help you with our considerate services. Since its establishment in 1989, our office is continuously obtaining the support from both governments and business communities of Canada. I believe that, through our joint efforts, more achievements will be made in the fields of economic and trade cooperation between our two countries.
    Conduct liaison work with Canadian government at all levels, the economic and trade circles, national and local chamber of commerce, industrial associations and other trade promotion organizations as well as our head office.
    Devoted to promoting the trade and economic relations between China and Canada and bridge the cooperation between the enterprises of the two countries.
    Market analysis
    Attend the international economic and trade conferences, seminars and symposia with authorization of our head office.
    Main services:
    Provide business communities both in China and Canada with trade and economic information.
    Provide consulting service in the field of market profile, exhibition, trade mission, trademark and patent, economic law affairs and other related sectors.
    Receive the visiting delegations or missions from China and organize seminars, symposia, meetings and other related events.
    Assist Chinese and Canadian companies in seeking cooperation on joint ventures, partnerships, technology exchanges, etc.
    Coordinate and arrange individual business meetings for interesting Chinese and Canadian companies.

  • Singapore International Chamber of Commerce
    The Singapore International Chamber of Commerce (SICC), established in 1837, is the oldest chamber of commerce in Asia, as well as the oldest commercial organisation in Singapore. It is also unique in the local context in that membership is open to companies and individuals of all races and nationalities, so long as they have a place of business in Singapore. Four of the Chamber's original members are still members of the Chamber.
    Currently, over 40 nationalities are represented in the Chamber membership, which encompasses both multinational corporations with operations in Singapore and locally-owned business enterprises. Singaporean companies form the largest single national group (39%), followed by American (14%), Japanese (7%), and British (7%).
    Virtually all of Singapore's GLCs are members of the Chamber, including the Development Bank of Singapore Ltd, Keppel Corporation Ltd, PSA Corporation Ltd, Singapore Power Ltd, Singapore Telecommunications Limited, Singapore Technologies Pte Limited, Singapore Airlines Ltd and Temasek Holdings (Pte) Ltd. Several of Singapore's best known family firms are also members of the Chamber, as well as a wide cross section of smaller companies, especially traders.

  • Southern United States Trade Association
    The Southern United States Trade Association (SUSTA) is a non-profit agricultural export trade development association comprised of the Departments of Agriculture of the 15 southern states and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Since 1973, our programs and services have assisted exporters of high-value food and agricultural products.
    SUSTA is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), its member states and private companies. FAS administers and executes many foreign market development activities.
    SUSTA aims to increase the export of southern U.S. food and agricultural products and thus enhance the economic well-being of the region.
    SUSTA promotes the agricultural products of the southern U.S. through:
    International trade exhibitions
    Trade missions
    Reverse trade missions
    Trade seminars
    Menu and special event promotions
    In-store promotions
    Showcases and product presentations
    Trade relations and publicity campaigns
    Exporter education
    Industry market research
    Matching Funds For International Marketing

  • Stockholm Chamber of Commerce
    The Stockholm Chamber of Commerce is a private business organisation open for all sectors of industry and trade, independent of size, in the Stockholm region. The Chamber seeks to further strengthen the open market ideas by promoting free trade and supporting competition on equal terms.
    The Stockholm Chamber of Commerce provides a comprehensive information service focusing on the legal framework of trade and business. For example import/export, business agreements, taxation, labour laws, legislation, regulations, rules and trade practices. The Chamber is also focusing on information technology as an important infrastructure issue and a tool for more successful business.
    The Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce is one of the leading arbitration centers in the world. The institute, an independent entity within the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, serves in the interest if domestic and international dispute resolution.

  • Swedish Canadian Chamber of Commerce - Canadian Swedish Business Association
    SCCC-CSBA is a business organization with offices in Toronto, Halifax, Montreal and Stockholm that focuses on trade, commercial, cultural and social contacts between Sweden and Canada.
    SCCC-CSBA offers a variety of networking opportunities and business services to its member companies and individuals.
    In order to grow as a stronger organization within Canada, SCCC and CSBA merged on January 1, 2002. At its inception, SCCC-CSBA has a Head Office in Toronto and a Chapter in Halifax and has future plans to expand across Canada, starting with Chapters in Ottawa, Montreal and Vancouver.
    SCCC-CSBA launched the new organization at a Swedish Subsidiary Conference in Ottawa on March 20th, featuring such dignified speakers as Mr. Peter Harder, Deputy Minister, Industry Canada; Per From, President & CEO, AstraZeneca AB (Sweden); H.E. Lennart Alvin, Ambassador of Sweden to Canada and and Margaret Bloodworth, Deputy Minister of Transportation, Investment Champion for Sweden and the Netherlands.

  • Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
    The Chamber was established in Hong Kong in 1986. From a base of 44 founding member companies, the Chamber has now grown to include over 120 members. The Board of Directors consists of nine Directors. The following Committees guide much of the Chamber's practical work: Editorial, Finance, Function, PR & Membership and Young Professionals.

  • Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce
    The Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce is a 2,300 member, not-for-profit organization committed to the promotion and facilitation of business relations between the United States of America and Switzerland.
    The Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce plays a vital and active role in assisting Swiss companies in the United States and U.S. companies in Switzerland to expand their business.
    The Chamber:
    Promotes and facilitates better business relations between the U.S. and Switzerland.
    Provides essential information about doing business in these markets.
    Brings business leaders together to facilitate contacts and provide platforms for networking in both countries.
    Represents the mutual interests of members and takes action to further their interests.
    Facilitates the mobility of member firms and their employees in both countries.
    Promotes both countries as advantageous places to do business.
    Fosters good corporate citizenship to benefit the communities in which members do business.

  • The National Association of Italian Buying Offices
    The National Association of Italian Buying Offices - ANIBO was established in 1956 by a group of leading buying offices in Florence with the purpose of giving a professional Buying Service to foreign buyers. Strict ethical rules are the base of the Association. Through 40 years of work and experience the Buying Offices have developped the standard of their activity at the maximum level. The member of ANIBO are known for their reliability, guarantee of professional standard service and extremely wide know-how of the world market. The ANIBO Buying Offices are all devoted to solve your problems in the Italian market and to help you to develop the merchandise you need simplifying for you the Buying System.

  • The Organization of Women in International Trade
    The Organization of Women in International Trade (OWIT), is non-profit professional organization designed to promote women doing business in international trade by providing networking and educational opportunities. Our members include women and men doing business in all facets of international trade including finance, public relations, government, freight forwarding, international law, agriculture, sales and marketing, import/export, logistics, and transportation. Over 2000 members worldwide!

  • Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle
    The Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle is a collaboration of the Port of Seattle, Port of Tacoma, Metropolitan King County Government, Snohomish County Government, City of Seattle, City of Everett, Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce and union leadership to promote the trade interests of this region in domestic and international markets. The Trade Alliance is born out of a recognition that new local partnerships are necessary to retain our region's future competitiveness in a rapidly changing global economy.
    The mission of the Trade Alliance is to promote Greater Seattle, including King, Snohomish and Pierce Counties, as one of North America's premier international gateways and commercial centers. To this end, the Trade Alliance has developed a strategic promotion plan to enhance the identity of Greater Seattle in targeted world markets through marketing publications, trade missions and other activities. The Trade Alliance is establishing working relationships with export promotion, international tourism and international trade and investment organizations to coordinate this marketing.

  • Trade Facilitation Office Canada
    The Trade Facilitation Office Canada (TFOC) was founded in 1980 by Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) following a decision by the Canadian government to establish a trade facilitation office "to assist developing countries to export to the Canadian market." Two decades later, TFOC, operating as a non-governmental, not-for-profit organization, has become the primary provider of information on the Canadian import market and a source of training for exporting and for investment attraction for developing and transition economy countries.
    TFOC provides:
    Advice and training to assist in strengthening the export and investment attraction capability of governments, trade and investment promotion organizations and private companies in developing countries;
    Information to exporters from developing countries by means of Seminars on Exporting to Canada, a comprehensive Handbook on Exporting to Canada, and sector-specific reports on the Canadian market;
    Contacts for qualified exporters through our website, extensive database and newsletters to ensure that Canadian importers, buyers and agents are aware of export offers from developing countries;
    Trade Missions to Canada for developing country exporters and buying missions to client countries for Canadian importers; and,
    Training and Capacity Building both in-country and in-Canada, with seminars and courses for exporters, government trade officials, and export and investment marketing agencies.

  • Trade Facilitators International group
    The Trade Facilitators International group of companies is a network of highly successful businesses in the customs and freight forwarding industry. Our vision is to be Australia and New Zealand's leading provider of international trade assistance services.
    Our extensive network can help you with, airfreight / seafreight, logistics, exporting/importing, trade matching, locating buyers / suppliers and general consulting services.
    We can provide you with Global Trade Solutions.

  • Trade Point Palestine - Ramallah
    Trade Point Palestine - Ramallah is part of UNCTAD Global Trade Point Network that currently links around 50 Trade Points throughout the world via the Internet, to exchange business opportunities and to co-operate in trade development initiatives, both within specific geographic regions and also world wide.
    Our Role
    Trade Point Palestine-Ramallah is a partnership between government and the various trade and business development organizations in Palestine (see list of partners overleaf). The main objective of the Trade Point is to co-ordinate the delivery of trade support services to the Palestinian business community and to encourage the participation of new companies and entrepreneurs, particularly small to medium enterprises, in international trade.
    The role of Trade Point Palestine-Ramallah in achieving these objectives is as follows:
    Coordinating and referral role - Trade Point Palestine-Ramallah acts as a referral agency to assist business people identify and access relevant trade related services provided by the different trade and business development organizations in Palestine. This includes the chambers of commerce, trade promotion organizations, trade information centers, business support organizations, and governmental agencies.
    A promotional role: Trade Point Palestine-Ramallah helps trade-related organizations and companies to promote their products and services world-wide by hosting or linking their Websites to the Trade Point Palestine-Ramallah Website on the Global Trade Point Network (GTPNet). This will provide such companies and organizations with significantly enhanced visibility on the Internet as the GTPNet is the most visited trade related Website on the Internet. The Website is also mirrored (copied) in several countries through the world, including the United States, Australia, and Switzerland.
    The Trade Point Palestine-Ramallah Website also maintains links to information on the Palestinian economy, trade procedures and regulations, investment legislation, business information including exporters and importers, tourism information etc. A major feature of the Trade Point Palestine-Ramallah Website will be a sophisticated search engine that will link users directly to all relevant information on a particular aspect of Palestinian trade irrespective of where this information is located.
    Collection and Dissemination of Electronic Trading Opportunities (ETO's): Trade Point Palestine-Ramallah will take advantage of its global connectivity with all the other Trade Points through the GTPNet to actively disseminate relevant trade and business opportunities to the Palestinian business community. This will be undertaken with our member organizations in Palestine and also directly to companies.
    Co-operation and Linkages with other Trade Points, in the region and elsewhere: Trade Point Palestine-Ramallah has strong connection with the Egyptian and Jordanian trade points to exchange information and business opportunities. In addition. Trade point Palestine Ramallah is part of the global Trade Point network which has been established recently.

  • U.S. - Qatar Business Council
    The U.S. - Qatar Business Council was established in 1996 with the goal of promoting commercial relations between the United States and the State of Qatar. It is a non-profit, private sector organization which provides a forum for discussion of key economic, commercial and other issues of interest to American companies doing or planning to do business in Qatar. The Council also provides information and sponsors events and programs which provide insight into Qatar and its international and business environment. In early 1997, the Council opened its office in Washington, where it conducts its major activities.
    The Council believes that the expected rapid development of Qatar's unparalleled natural resources, coupled with the country's hospitable business climate, provide an exceptional opportunity for US businesses. The Council, as the only American organization focused on improving commercial relations with Qatar, plans to play a leading role in expansion of the bilateral relationship. Inquiries about membership are welcome, and can be addressed by contacting us at the contact link on the left.

  • U.S. Trade and Development Agency
    Mission Statement:
    The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) advances economic development and U.S. commercial interests in developing and middle income countries. The agency funds various forms of technical assistance, feasibility studies, training, orientation visits and business workshops that support the development of a modern infrastructure and a fair and open trading environment.
    USTDA's strategic use of foreign assistance funds to support sound investment policy and decision-making in host countries creates an enabling environment for trade, investment and sustainable economic development. Operating at the nexus of foreign policy and commerce, USTDA is uniquely positioned to work with U.S. firms and host countries in achieving the agency's trade and development goals. In carrying out its mission, USTDA gives emphasis to economic sectors that may benefit from U.S. exports of goods and services.

  • U.S. - Cuba Trade and Economic Council
    Established in 1994, the U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council provides an efficient and sustainable educational structure in which the United States business community may access accurate, consistent, and timely information and analysis on matters and issues of interest regarding United States-Republic of Cuba commercial, economic, and political relations.
    The U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council does not take positions with respect to United States-Republic of Cuba political relations. The organization is a private, not-for-profit, membership-based corporation that accepts neither United States government funding nor non-United States government funding.
    The organization does not believe appropriate for a director, officer, employee, or advisor of a not-for-profit organization to seek, provide, or direct revenue producing activity to an entity controlled or affiliated with a director, officer, employee, or advisor of the organization. Relevant agencies of the United States government believe such activities inconsistent with not-for-profit purposes.
    The U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council was the first and only organization within the United States to have received letters of cooperation from the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Cuba, the Ministry of Foreign Trade of the Republic of Cuba, the Ministry for Foreign Investment and Economic Cooperation of the Republic of Cuba, the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Cuba, the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Cuba, the Ministry of the Steel-Mechanical and Electronic Industry of the Republic of Cuba, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, and the National Assembly of the Republic of Cuba.

  • U.S. - India Business Council
    The U.S.-India Business Council is the premier policy-development organization promoting American economic interests in India. Formed in 1975 at the request of the Indian and United States governments, USIBC strengthens Indo-U.S. economic relations on trade and investment issues. Our primary mission is to foster a bilateral dialogue between key business and government decision makers, thus encouraging progressive economic policies in both India and the United States
    The Council's work plan focuses on the continued development and activity of bilateral and unilateral working groups. These groups are often convened with Indian organizations as partners, with the purpose of forging a policy consensus with which we approach both governments.
    The Council also organizes Executive Missions to India for senior U.S. corporate executives to meet with key Government of India officials. These small, off-the-record meetings provide business leaders with invaluable opportunities to discuss project proposals and policy issues with top Indian decision-makers.
    The USIBC hosts two major conferences each year; the USIBC Annual Meeting in early summer in the United States, and an annual U.S. Investors Forum, held every winter in India. It is at these conferences that the bilateral councils develop policy recommendations and work plans for the year. The meetings also feature discussions led by distinguished Indian and U.S. government officials. The Investment Forums in India also feature investment presentations from the state governments.
    The USIBC also offers information services, including regular sectoral policy updates, periodic Executive Update meetings with visiting Indian dignitaries, and a daily email news service.

  • U.S.-Saudi Arabian Business Council
    The U.S.-Saudi Arabian Business Council is an organization of business leaders in both countries working together to increase trade and investment by promoting broader understanding among U.S. and Saudi Arabian companies, as well as specific business opportunities. It was incorporated in the U.S. in December 1993, and maintains offices in Washington, D.C. and Riyadh. The Council is co-chaired by H.E. Sheikh Abdulaziz Al-Quraishi, former Governor of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency and Managing Director, Ali Zaid Al-Quraishi & Brothers Co., and Alfred C. DeCrane, retired Chairman and CEO, Texaco Inc. The Board of Directors consists of prominent businessmen from the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.
    The overall purpose of the Council is to become the focal point for the exchange of knowledge between the private sectors in the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. Its major goals are to:
    Encourage manufacturing-related joint ventures in Saudi Arabia between U.S. and Saudi Arabian companies;
    Create awareness of the opportunities in Saudi Arabia for smaller and medium-sized U.S. firms;
    Increase knowledge and understanding of the business and cultural environments of both countries; and
    Develop and strengthen working relationships between the Council and relevant private and government agencies and industry leaders in order to respond to business needs.

  • U.S.-Thailand Business Council
    The U.S.-Thailand Business Council (USTBC) and its counterpart in Bangkok, the Thailand-U.S. Business Council (TUSBC), created the first bilateral business-to-business forum to expand the commercial relationship between our two nations. The USTBC provides U.S. companies with an unparalleled opportunity to build long-term relationships with key members of the Thai public and private sectors.
    The Council organizes briefings, training programs, seminars and trade missions, provides information on political, economic and regulatory developments in Thailand, and supports member initiatives to build relationships with high-ranking government officials and industrial counterparts in Thailand. The Council provides member companies with timely information on current news and information regarding trade and investment opportunities in Thailand and offers access to key decisionmakers in Thai government and industry. The Council's program priorities are motivated by issues of bilateral concern to both USTBC and TUSBC member corporations. Ongoing initiatives of the Council include: customs and modernization reform, education and training, labor relations management and recapitalization prospects for the Thai private sector.

  • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
    Established in 1964, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) aims at the development-friendly integration of developing countries into the world economy.
    UNCTAD is the focal point within the United Nations for the integrated treatment of trade and development and the interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development.
    UNCTAD is a forum for intergovernmental discussions and deliberations, supported by discussions with experts and exchanges of experience, aimed at consensus-building. The web section entitled "Meetings" provides details regarding intergovernmental deliberations and discussions.
    UNCTAD undertakes research, policy analysis and data collection in order to provide substantive inputs for the discussions of experts and government representatives. The web section entitled "Digital Library" provides details on themes covered and publications issued.
    UNCTAD, in co-operation with other organizations and donor countries, provides technical assistance tailored to the needs of the developing countries, with special attention being paid to the needs of the least developed countries, and countries with economy in transition. The web section entitled "Technical Cooperation" provides details on these activities.
    The Secretary-General of UNCTAD is Mr. Rubens Ricupero. In performing its functions, the secretariat works together with member Governments and interacts with organizations of the United Nations system and regional commissions, as well as with governmental institutions, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, including trade and industry associations, research institutes and universities worldwide.

  • United States Chamber of Commerce
    Whether you own a business, represent one, lead a corporate office, or manage an association, the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of AmericaSM provides you with a voice of experience and influence in Washington, D.C., and around the globe.
    The Staff of experts - policy specialists, lobbyists, and lawyers - make up the world's largest not-for-profit business federation, representing:
    3,000,000 businesses
    3,000 state and local chambers
    830 business associations
    92 American Chambers of Commerce abroad
    Members include businesses of all sizes and sectors-from large Fortune 500 companies to home-based, one-person operations. In fact, 96% of our membership encompasses businesses with fewer than 100 employees.

  • United States Council for International Business
    The United States Council for International Business advances the global interests of American business both at home and abroad. It is the American affiliate of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the Business and Industry Advisory Committee (BIAC) to the OECD, and the International Organisation of Employers (IOE). As such, it officially represents U.S. business positions both in the main intergovernmental bodies and vis--vis foreign business communities and their governments.
    USCIB addresses a broad range of policy issues with the objective of promoting an open system of world trade, finance and investment in which business can flourish and contribute to economic growth, human welfare and protection of the environment.
    USCIB formulates its positions in numerous committees and other working bodies composed of business experts drawn from its membership of 300 global corporations, professional firms and industry associations. It advocates these positions to the U.S. government and to intergovernmental organizations such as the OECD, the WTO, the ILO and other bodies of the U.N. system with which its international affiliates have official consultative status on behalf of world business.
    USCIB helps facilitate international trade through its work on harmonization of commercial practices in the ICC. It issues and guarantees ATA Carnets, documents under which merchandise can be temporarily imported duty-free into the U.S. and other countries. It promotes use in the U.S. of the ICC International Court of Arbitration for the settlement of commercial disputes.

  • United States-Angola Chamber of Commerce
    The United States-Angola Chamber of Commerce is an independent, non-profit organization of businesses united to promote trade and investment between the United States and Angola. The Chamber was established in 1990 and has a membership that consists of over 75 companies.
    The Chamber believes that Angola has the potential to be one of Africa's most prosperous countries. The Chamber's goal is to put the private sector at the forefront of Angola's development. Trade and investment create jobs and provide many other benefits to the citizens of both Angola and the United States, as well as other participating organizations. To promote trade, investment and Angolan economic development, the Chamber:
    Assists members identify and respond to business opportunities.
    Hosts Angolan officials and private sector representatives visiting the United States.
    Supports the development of the Angolan private sector.
    Sponsors trade missions to Angola.
    Represents the views of the private sector to officials in both governments.
    Keeps members informed about changes in laws, regulations, policy and economic conditions.
    Organizes trade and investment seminars in Angola and the United States on economic conditions.

  • United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce
    A group of distinguished Mexican and U.S. businessmen established the United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce (USMCOC) in 1973 as a 501 (c) (6) non-profit business association chartered in Washington D.C. The coalition of businessmen created a bilateral organization to promote trade, investment and joint ventures on both sides of the border. Now in its third decade of operation, the Chamber has grown into a unique non-profit corporation operating through 12 offices in Mexico and the United States. All chapters and offices, with strong local membership and international contacts, help businesses bridge differences in legal, regulatory and economic systems, as well as language and culture.
    Business Development:
    The Chamber promotes an environment that will encourage the development of business between U.S. and Mexican companies by organizing and participating in trade fairs and trade missions, and by organizing forums that bring buyers, sellers and other parties together to promote successful transactions.
    Education and Information:
    The Chamber has developed a program of activities to provide updated information on social, economic and political arenas to the U.S.-Mexico business community. These activities include monthly seminars, networking sessions and cultural events that create awareness of major issues, foster business opportunities and broaden understanding between both countries.
    Communications & Research:
    The Chamber provides bilingual electronic and print resources to give members up-to-date intelligence on the U.S.-Mexico market and to keep members informed of programs, services and business development efforts. The Chamber also provides research capabilities for members.

    USA*ENGAGE is a broad-based coalition representing Americans from all regions, sectors and segments of our society concerned about the proliferation of unilateral foreign policy sanctions at the federal, state, and local level. Despite the fact that unilateral sanctions rarely achieve our foreign policy goals, they continue to have political appeal. Unilateral sanctions give the impression that the United States is "doing something," while American workers, farmers and businesses absorb the costs. Even now, well-organized activists are lobbying to further restrict US companies and farmers from doing business in major overseas markets.

  • US-ASEAN Business Council
    The US-ASEAN Business Council is the trusted voice of the American private sector in the 10-country ASEAN market. With over two decades of building strategic alliances and working relationships with ASEAN regional organizations as well as with government and private sector leaders in each country, the Council has helped improve the business environment for American companies and expand the U.S. competitive position in the region like no other organization.
    ASEAN has been and continues to be an area of regional growth and change. Moves toward regional economic integration through ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) and related initiatives brings the focus to economic reform, deregulation, liberalization, and modernization in key sectors.
    With these changes and reforms comes complexity in understanding future trends, negotiating business arrangements, establishing relationships with new government and private sector leaders, and developing strategies to ensure long-term success and prosperity for your corporation. Now more than ever, American business needs the steady hand of the US-ASEAN Business Council.
    Mission Statement:
    The US-ASEAN Business Council is dedicated to effectively strengthening bilateral and US-ASEAN relations through strong economic and commercial ties. The Council is committed to promoting U.S. competitiveness in the most dynamic global growth market: ASEAN. Our objectives are to:
    Promote trade, investment and technology cooperation
    Remove all barriers to the expansion of commercial relationships
    Promote U.S. competitiveness in ASEAN through strong private sector participation in business-governmental partnerships.

  • Washington Council on International Trade
    The Washington Council on International Trade (WCIT) is a private, non-profit, non-partisan association comprised of private sector businesses, public sector and state government representatives, acedemia, consular groups and individuals.
    The WCIT web information base includes topics of concern to the general public such as poverty, corporate responsibility, and sustainability, globalization vs. localization, labor rights. The web is designed to serve as a portal to those issues, trade-related issues before Congress, and important information for workers, farmers, students, businesses, teachers and the public sector. The Council's popular "Trade Picture" is also available on the site.
    Associated with WCIT is the International Trade Education Foundation (ITEF), whose mission is to work with teachers and students to enhance their knowledge and understanding of trade and its importance for our state, the nation and the world. The curriculum project "Trade Is" is a unique, modular way for educators to stimulate discussions on all aspects of trade.

  • Washington International Trade Association
    Mission statement:
    Washington International Trade Association (WITA) is a non-profit, voluntary organization dedicated to providing a neutral forum in the nation's capital for the open discussion of international trade issues. WITA has over 800 members consisting of business executives, consultants, lawyers, federal officials, diplomats and academics. Through an extensive series of programs, WITA keeps its members informed of the latest positions taken by the Administration and Congress on trade policy, rules and regulations governing international trade, and views of U.S. trade policy from abroad.

  • World Shipping Council
    The World Shipping Council is a Washington, D.C.-based trade association representing more than forty liner shipping companies serving America's international trade. Council members include the largest container lines in the world as well as smaller niche carriers, and carriers providing roll-on/roll-off and heavy-lift services. In addition to ocean transportation, they provide a wide range of intermodal and logistics services to American importers and exporters.
    The Council's goal is to provide a coordinated voice for the liner shipping industry in its work with policymakers and other industry groups interested in international transportation issues, including: maritime security, regulatory policy, tax issues, safety, the environment, harbor dredging and upgrading the infrastructure needed to handle America's booming trade.

  • World Trade Organization
    The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
    The result is assurance. Consumers and producers know that they can enjoy secure supplies and greater choice of the finished products, components, raw materials and services that they use. Producers and exporters know that foreign markets will remain open to them.
    The result is also a more prosperous, peaceful and accountable economic world. Virtually all decisions in the WTO are taken by consensus among all member countries and they are ratified by members' parliaments. Trade friction is channelled into the WTO's dispute settlement process where the focus is on interpreting agreements and commitments, and how to ensure that countries' trade policies conform with them. That way, the risk of disputes spilling over into political or military conflict is reduced.
    By lowering trade barriers, the WTO's system also breaks down other barriers between peoples and nations.

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