scam letters scam e-mails
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Scam Letters
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Scam Letters, the newest

Here you will find scam letters sent to people's mailboxes. The letters include "Nigerian" scams, "phishing", "winning" notifications, "employment", "booking", "mystery shopping", and other scams.



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[Scam letters, Part 1]

Scam letter:

From: Vyacheslav Mazurov <>
Date: Monday, January 23, 2012, 2:28:08 PM
Subject: Urgent Help...Vyacheslav Mazurov

How are you? i traveled to the imperial college gallery section, Andres Borrego AV Malaga Spain) and unfortunately for me the hotel i lodged got razed by fire.all my valuables including cash, cell phones and my traveling documents were destroyed during the inferno but luckily for me i still have my passport with me.i have contacted the police but they are not responding to the matter effectively they only asked me to write a statement about the incident and referred me to the embassy which is over there in Madrid

Please i really need your assistance for me to go to the embassy and also to the airline office so i can start processing a new flight ticket.i am also having problems settling outstanding hotel bills and the hotel management are not helping matters at all please let me know if you can help me out, Thanks

Waiting for your mail

Vyacheslav Mazurov

Scam letter:

From: Chris Brown <>
Date: Friday, January 20, 2012, 12:17:18 PM
Subject: product


Thanks for your response.We are interested to order if you can provide based on our specifications. Also quality and urgent delivery is very essential to us as we intend making bulk purchases. We also saw a similar product from another supplier so confirm if your company can provide the exact product specification.

Click on our webpage to login with your valid user name and password to view the specifications to avoid any mistake in selection/production.

copy and past this link on your web browser

Kindly, get back to us with your price list for these products and so that we can confirm order if your price is ok.

Chris Brown

Scam letter:

From: ALCON CO. LTD <>
Date: Friday, January 20, 2012, 4:22:53 PM
Subject: Order Enquiry


I am the Representative of ALCON CO. LTD located in USA, We are a fast growing conglomerate in United States of America, and we are interested in your product. Please do send to us details of your products with quotation and specifications immediately to enable us place order.

Please kindly be advised of the following:

* Our Minimum Order Quantity :- One Container
* Your delivery time :- Minimum of 45 days and Maximum of 3 Months
* Payment terms :- Only Telegraphic Transfer
* And your products warranty:- Negotiable

I await to hear from you urgently

Mr.Roy Howard

Legal Representative
450 W. 33 Street, New York, NY 10001

Scam letter:

From: faccogroup <>
Date: Thursday, January 19, 2012, 4:11:32 PM
Subject: Please quote


Having gone through your listed products, we offer great interest to do a purchase agreement with your company. Please get back to us with the following information
1. Prices FOB
2. Payment terms
3. Delivery Period
4. MOQ
5. Specified delivery date assuming from the Date of Order.
Please your quick reply will be highly appreciated
You can also reach me to this email address:


Follow Rediff Deal ho jaye! to get exciting offers in your city everyday.

Scam letter:

From: RegionsNet <>
Date: Thursday, January 19, 2012, 3:50:42 AM
Subject: New Alert: Action Required! Help Improve Security

This is a new message from Regions.Bank

You are receiving this email because you have a new Alert on your account.

In order for us to update our security we need you to submit some profile information.

This is not an optional step! You need to do this rigt away.

You will read more about this alert after you login, to do this please click here:

Remember this is mandatory, if you will not complete this step your account will be put on hold until you do.

Thanks, Regions.Bank

Scam letter:

From: Payoneer <>
Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2012, 8:14:08 PM
Subject: Your Payoneer Card has been deactivated

Dear Elavon Customer,

Your Payoneer Card has been deactivated.

To continue using your card, your card must be re-activated. You may re-activate your card at no cost by following the steps below.

1. Download the Activation Form attached to this email.
2. Open it in a browser.
3. Follow the instructions on your screen.

After finishing the activation process you may use your card normaly.

Thank you, Payoneer Customer Support

Scam letter:

From: Ghislaine Schryburt <>
Date: Monday, January 9, 2012, 1:39:13 PM
Subject: Products & Price list


We are currently searching for high-tech manufacturers and suppliers who are able to produce and supply the exact quality products on our website.

Aicom group international is a leading industrial and commercial company based in vietnam founded in 1987, and has been existing in business since then. And it's proud of it's track record of prompt and dependable services .

I am really interested in your products, kindly send me your catalog .Please inform me about the Minimum Order Quantity Delivery time Payment terms warranty .

Your early reply is highly appreciated .

Thank You .

Thank you.
Beatriz Ivone ( Miss ) .

Scam letter:

From: Eddy Anderson <>
Date: Saturday, December 31, 2011, 12:24:49 PM
Subject: Tour Vacation / Accommodation Booking ...


I would like to make a reservation in your firm for 3 groups (6 persons) to your country for a 21 days tour/accommodation for my relatives and which we would like you to take charge of all arrangements.

See below for all requirements for the tour Vacation/accommodation, Names and number of the groups:

1) Mr. Harry Down and Mrs. Trishan Down.
2) Mr. Ashley Stone and Mrs. Tina Stone.
3) Mr. John Thompson and Mrs. Stacy Thompson.

Information's on the tour Vacation/accommodation requested from your firm:

Arrival dates: 28th March 2012
Departure date: 17th April 2012
Numbers/Type of rooms: 3 DBL rooms.
Type of hotel: 3*/4* or motel/B&B hotel
Number of nights: 21 nights.
Number of days: 21 days.
Number of persons: 6.
Number of Tour days: 15days (from 30th March to 13th April)

We would like you to arrange an itinerary for 15 days and we would like you to kindly confirm the availability of a POS machine (a credit card charging machine) in your facility because we shall make all our payment ONLY by credit card, also provide me with the total cost for the above itinerary requirements.

Warmest Regards,

Mr. John Thompson.
#7 St Michaels place, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7HQ, UK.

Scam letter:

From: <>
Date: Thursday, December 29, 2011, 3:19:16 AM
Subject: New Alert : Confirm your continued membership !
Files: Account-verification.html

Dear account holder,

We are currently engaged in the account security upgrade.
As a user, you need to confirm your continued membership.

Failure to confirm your continued membership will result in suspension of service

To Proceed, We have attached Alibaba account verification to this email.All you have to do is to Open the attached Form, Fill in the right details as required in the form.

This procedure is in line with our periodic security update.

Wishing you the very best of business, Service Team
© 2011 All Rights Reserved Alibaba

Scam letter:

From: Co-operative Bank p.l.c <>
Date: Tuesday, December 27, 2011, 3:52:05 PM
Subject: A Problem has occurred with your connection to Internet Banking

Dear Co-operative customer, We are sorry you have been logged out of the Internet Banking service.

There are a number of reasons why this has occurred -

- You have not used the service for more than 10 minutes.
- Your cookies may be disabled in your browser.
- You may have bookmarked the wrong page.
- You may have used the browsers' 'Forward', 'Back' or 'Refresh' buttons on the top of your screen.

Please click here to log onto Internet Banking.
Note - If this error happens when you are trying to log on to the service, please check that your cookies are turned on or that you have not bookmarked the wrong page.

Scam letter:

From: private linjk <>
Date: Tuesday, December 27, 2011, 3:28:39 PM
Subject: Aisha Kadhafi.

You? Atten Sir/Madam,

I needs your assistance now please, I am Aisha Daughter of the Late Mouammer Kaddafi, my Dada was killed being 20th October by the International Committee there in my Country, I am contacting you due to the problem that befalls my family we are in Danger now, am currently in one of the West Africa Country for now on a hide out, as you know me and the rest of my families are the target of the Western Nations led by American and French, we have wealth investment and funds with alot of Banks in several Countries the International Committee are out to freeze those Account . I wants to make you part of my Family heritage in other that you can help me to withdraw this fund from the Bank into your Bank Account, am having an account with huge sum of money in one of the Banks in Cote D' Ivoire, please keep me save from the media and international conspiracy to seize our family accounts/investments around the world. I will compensate you greatly on your assistances on the transfer cost to your Country, make sure

you keep this issue strictly and confidential for my own safety ok.

Requirements to make Application claim with the Bank

1) Your full name address and Country,
2) A copy of your international passport or ID card
3) Your Occupation and Age.

Your responses

Aisha Kadhafi.

Scam letter:

From: Telstra <>
Date: Saturday, December 24, 2011, 2:06:26 PM
Subject: BigPond ADSL Broadband Service Suspension.

Dear BigPond User,

Telstra BigPond is sending you this e-mail to inform you that our service to you could be suspended. This might be due to either of the following reasons:

1. You have changed your billing address.
2. You have Submitted incorrect information during bill payment process.
3. Your credit/debit card has expired.
4. You didnt update your bigpond profile.

According to above, and to ensure that your service is not interrupted, we request you to confirm and update your billing information now BY CLICKING HERE.

If you have already confirmed your billing information then please disregard this message as we are processing the changes you have made.

Billing Department

Thanks for your co-operation.

Accounts Management As outlined in our User Agreement, Telstra (r) will periodically send you information about site changes and enhancements.

Scam letter:

From: Fpfister <>
Date: Wednesday, December 21, 2011, 7:22:19 PM
Subject: BBB Case # 83565883

Better Business Bureau® Start With Trust®

RE: Case # 83565883

Dear Sirs,

The Better Business Bureau has been sent the above mentioned complaint from one of your clients on the subject of their business relations with you.
The details of the consumer's concern are included in enclosed document.
Please give attention to this issue and advise us of your standpoint.
We kindly ask you to open the ATTACHED REPORT to respond this complaint.

We look forward to your prompt attention to this matter.

Faithfully yours,

Shawna Dennis

Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau
Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Trademarks | Find a BBB | BBB Directory
© 2011 Council of Better Business Bureaus

Scam letter:

From: Ceo <>
Date: Wednesday, December 21, 2011, 4:04:06 PM
Subject: Complaint from your customers

Better Business Bureau® Start With Trust®

RE: Case # 64646105

Attn: Owner/Manager

The Better Business Bureau has got the above mentioned complaint from one of your customers regarding their business relations with you.
The details of the consumer's concern are contained in enclosed file.
Please give attention to this matter and inform us about your opinion.
We encourage you to open the ATTACHED REPORT to reply this co mplaint.

We look forward to your prompt attention to this matter.

Yours faithfully,

Anita Emil

Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau
Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Trademarks | Find a BBB | BBB Directory
© 2011 Council of Better Business Bureaus

Scam letter:

From: Verified by Visa/Mastercard <>
Date: Saturday, December 17, 2011, 1:42:56 PM
Subject: Your Visa/Master card secure account shutting down!!
Files: Visa.Master reactivation.html

Dear Sir/Madam

We regret to inform that your Visa/Mastercard secure has been set off because to many attendings, and we beleive that others were ussing your details.

Please download the attach to reactivate the account.

Scam letter:

From: <>
Date : Tue, 13 Dec 2011 14:30:58 +0000
Subject: urgent

Dear ,

paulpayosta has sent the following message to you from your profile page at

Here is the answer I received from this Paul Payosta after contacting him for more information :

---- Message original --

Good Afternoon,

I am an agent working with Secret Shopper® Europe

We are currently searching for English speakers in EUROPE to help us with our survey.
Currently, we have been paid to evaluate the services of a prestigious company which is the WESTERN UNION.


The WESTERN UNION is a company that offers money transfer services.
The sole aim of this job is to evaluate the services of WESTERN UNION in your area.
We have received a lot of reports about their poor services.
Hence i will give you a detailed job description in key points.

1. You are to locate a western union office you intend to evaluate.( If you need a list of WESTERN UNION in your area please specify.)
2. A cheque would be sent to you to enable you have funds that would be transferred to another mystery shopper like you who would be evaluating another western union office in his / her location
3. You deposit the cheques into your account.
4. You deduct your wage of 200Eur
5. You transfer the balance (after the subtraction of your wage and possible bank charges) to the name and address that would be attached to the cheque.

*NOTE* during the transfer process, you observe key things that would be sent to you inform of a questionnaire via email/post to enable you give us a detailed feed back of the whole process.
6. After the transfer, you fill out the questionnaire and give a general comment about the whole process.

The reports would be based on how true/false the complains of these worried customers.
Materials needed for the evaluation would be posted to you.
Hence your duties would be to go to a WESTERN UNION outlet in your locality as a customer.
You do not require any experience in this field as detailed guidelines would be given to you to ensure a successful completion.
This role would pay 200Eur per Evaluation.
Your details would undergo security checks before the position is granted to you.

First Name:
Last Name:
Postal Code:
Mobile Number:
Home Phone:
Current occupation:
Email Address:

We await your urgent response. Thank you for your help, we look forward to working with you.

Yours Sincerely,
Pius Payosta
Secret Shopper®

Scam letter:

From: MyPayPaIAccount <>
Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2011, 8:13:43 PM
Subject: New Alert: Read Security Message

You Have received a new security update.

Please read it here:

If you do not responde now your account will remain suspended.

Thank you

Scam letter:

From: IRS Tax Notification Department <>
Date: Monday, December 12, 2011, 5:13:21 PM
Subject: IRS: Penalty For The Failure To File Income Tax Returns

Dear Taxpayer!

You are encouraged to pay a penalty for the failure to file income tax returns prior to January 31, 2012.
Note, IRC [Section 6038(b)(1)] provides for a monetary penalty of $10, 000 for each [Form 5471] that is filed after the due date of the income tax return or does not include the complete and accurate information described in [Section 6038(a)].

No penalty will be imposed if the company shows that the late filing was due to reasonable cause.

For more information please refer to attached file.

Thanks, Internal Revenue Service United States Department of the Treasury.
Mon, 12 Dec 2011 16:13:21 +0100

Scam letter:

From: PayPal <>
Date: Monday, December 12, 2011, 2:12:12 PM
Subject: PayPal Account Review Department

Dear PayPal Customer,

As a security measure, we regularly screen PayPal activity.

Recently, we noticed a problem with your account.

We determined that someone may have tried to access your PayPal account without your permission. For your protection, we have limited your account access. To lift this limitation, click here:

Reference Number:
We've limited access to your account temporarily .We'll review the limitation once you respond with the information we've requested.

Thank you for helping to resolve this problem.

Yours sincerely,

PayPal Account Review Department

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page.

Copyright 1999-2011 PayPal. All rights reserved.

Scam letter:

From: Facebook <>
Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2012, 7:50:40 PM
Subject: 2 friends awaiting your response.


You haven't been back to Facebook recently.You have received notifications while you were gone.

1 message2 friend requests

Thanks, The Facebook Team
Sign in to Facebook and start connecting
Sign in To log in to Facebook, follow the link below: you don't want to receive these emails from Facebook in the future or have your email address used for friend suggestions, you can unsubscribe.
Facebook, Inc. P.O. Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Scam letter:

From: alicia giovanna <>
Date: Saturday, December 10, 2011, 4:33:24 PM
Subject: charitable work of God

Dear Beloved,

I am Sister Alicia Giovanna Aroma from Angola.I am suffering from the cancer of the breast and partial stroke and soon I will go for surgery.I have a donation of $7, 500.000.00 to make for a charitable work of God.

Write to me for more explanations.

Thanking you a lot in anticipation of your quick response.
Yours sincerely
Sister Alicia Giovanna Aroma

This Email has been sent from the following link:

Scam letter:

From: BoA Security Department <>
Date: Friday, December 9, 2011, 2:09:44 PM
Subject: Fraud Alert from Bank Of America ID-989409464

Hello Dear! We have received too many reports from our customers about fraudulent online and ATM transactions. We have launched a new security system to secure new and old accounts from this kind of fraud. To prevent your checking or savings account from this fraud, update your information on the attached file which you should download and open.

Thank You
Bank of America Security Team Fri, 9 Dec 2011 14:09:44 +0200

Scam letter:

Date: Thursday, December 8, 2011, 11:55:06 PM
Subject: Product Order

Dear Sirs

My name is Andreas Wolfgang I`m working on behalf of COMPLEX SA currently we are looking for supplier of your products. I have found your company on website.

I would like to introduce our company – founded in 1993 COMPLEX S.A. Listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange Thanks to dynamic development and integrated ISO9001:2008 quality management system has quickly become a leader in distribution of these products on European Union market. Our group COMPLEX SA had over 3500 recipients in 2010 with more than 30 000 products including : industry, transport, medical and agricultural products.

We are interesting in your products in large quantity:
Please send me:
Price on FOB -

I waiting on your e-mail reply on this our email id ( ) which I ask you.

Best Regards,
Andreas Wolfgang

Scam letter:

From: <>
Date: Thursday, December 8, 2011, 9:42:22 PM
Subject: Order Enquiry


I am the Representative of ALCON CO. LTD located in USA, We are a fast growing conglomerate in United States of America, and we are interested in your product. Please do send to us details of your products with quotation and specifications immediately to enable us place order.

Please kindly be advised of the following:

* Our Minimum Order Quantity :- One Container
* Your delivery time :- Minimum of 45 days and Maximum of 3

* Payment terms :- Only Telegraphic Transfer
* And your products warranty:- Negotiable

I await to hear from you urgently

Mr.Roy Howard

Legal Representative
450 W. 33 Street, New York, NY 10001


Scam letter:

From: Hon. Dr. Kwabena Duffour <>
Date: Thursday, December 8, 2011, 4:17:28 PM
Subject: Did you get my last email????

Attention: Beneficiary

This is to officially inform you that we have verified your contract inheritance file presently on my desk, and I found out that you have not received your payment due to your lack of co-operation and not fulfilling the obligations giving to you in respect to your contract /inheritance payment.

Secondly, you are hereby advice to stop dealing with some non-officials in the bank as this is an illegal act and will have to stop if you so wish to receive your payment immediately. After the board meeting held at our headquarters, we have resolved in finding a solution to your problem, and as you may know, we have arranged your payment through our SWIFT CARD PAYMENT CENTRE in Europe, America and Asia Pacific, which is then instruction given by our MINISTER, HON. DR. KWABENA DUFFOUR for Minister for

Finance and Economic Planning.

This card centre will send you an ATM CARD which you will use to withdraw your money in an ATM MACHINE in any part of the world, but the maximum is ($15, 000.00) Five Thousand Us Dollars per transaction. So, if you like to receive your fund this way, $15,000 usd for you to withdraw for a day and each transaction is $5,000usd minimum which you have to withdraw $15, 000 usd for one working day also be informed that the total amount in the SWIFT ATM CARD is $14.6 million usd.

Kindly fill out the needed information below:

(1) Your Full Name:
(2) Your Address where you want the payment centre to send your ATM CARD.:
(3) Phone and Fax Number:
(4) Age and Occupation:
(5) Your Nearest International Air Port in your City of residence:

Note: You should acknowledge the receipt of this email if you are interested in receiving your payment, we will give you the detail of the courier company in Ghana, if you want your funds deliver to you by cash or by sending you an atm card, this will be
transfer to you by the world group bank authorized to effect the payment. You have some listed method option of payment listed
below. if we do not received your email or calls in five working days, your file should be remove from the payment list, and payment will be cancel.

Payment method:

1. You can receive your payment via (atm swift card).
2. You can receive your payment via (cheque).
3. You can receive your payment via (bank to bank transfer).
4. You can receive your payment via (courier shipping mode).

Please note that you have to choose an option when responding back to this email.

We shall be expecting to receive your information you have stop any further communication with anybody or office. On this regards, do not hesitate to contact me for more details and direction, and also please do update me with any new development.

Note: That because of impostors, we here by issued you our code of conduct, which is (ATM-8411) and file number 028392572, so you have to indicate this code and file number as a subject when replying to this email and when calling us on the phone.

Thanks for your co-operation.

Best Regards,

Honorable Minister of Finance

Minister, Hon. Dr. Kwabena Duffour

Scam letter:

From: Lloyds TSB Online <>
Date: Wednesday, December 7, 2011, 10:42:12 PM
Subject: IP irregularities - we are unable to credit your account

New Payment

Dear Customer:

You have an unconfirmed payment on your account.

However we are unable to credit your account dew to IP irregularities noticed in your online activities.
We advice that you update your account online to avoid payment error

Simply click below to Logon and update your account to receive payment.

Please Do Not Reply to this Email. This is a notification regarding your account activities.
Lloyds is a division of Bank of Scotland plc.,

Registered in Scotland No.


Scam letter:

From: Regions Bank <>
Date: Wednesday, December 7, 2011, 6:23:47 PM
Subject: Regions Bank - Important Message !

Dear Customer:

This message is from the Regions Bank, to inform you that due to recently fraud attempts that targeted our customers, we have enhanced our Internet banking system. Besides changing the look and feel of website people, additional security measures have
been implemented throughout our system to prevent future attempts at fraud of any nature.

To ensure that your account is transferred to our new system, simply go to the next link to confirm your identity as a card holder at Regions Bank.

Login to your account to Regions Bank with your user name and password:

Click here to login.

Confirm your identity as a card holder of Regions Bank. Your account will be transferred after a maximum period of 24 hours
once you submit the requested information. Transactions that occur during the update of your account will appear in your checking account with a 24 hour delay. Online money transfers and pay Bill will not be possible during that time, but full recovery utility once the account has been transferred successfully.

Scam letter:

From: Mrs. Christiana Michael <>
Date: Wednesday, December 7, 2011, 3:03:41 PM

Dear Friend,

We have concluded to effect your payment of $1.2Million USD, through western union, but the maximum amount you will be receiving each day starting from tomorrow is $5, 000.00 daily until the funds is completely transferred.

Kindly Contact Western union Agent:
MR Eric John
TEL: +229 9996 2578

Also reconfirm your information to them below


I have sent $5, 000 in your name today, but Mr Eric John said that you should contact first with your information. So contact Mr Eric John or you call him as soon as you receive this email and tell him to give you the Mtcn, sender name and question/answer to pick the $5, 000.This is my Email(

Please do let me know as soon as you received all your funds $1.2Million,

Thank you.
Mrs. Christiana Michael.

Scam letter:

From: Mr. Tang Kam Sun <>
Date: Monday, November 28, 2011, 10:34:07 AM
Subject: Funds for Investment ($65 Million)

Dear Friend,

RE: Funds Investment and Management Placement of $65 Million.

We solicit for a private investor who wants to invest his financial estate in long-term business venture in your country/company under your supervision.

You will be required to;

[1]. Receive the funds.
[2]. Invest and Manage the funds profitably.

My client is willing to negotiate Management sharing percentage after your acceptance. We expect to hear from you urgently as this is a high priority Investment Placement and kindly send your information to enhance communication.

Thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely Yours,

Mr. Tang Kam Sun

Scam letter:

From: PayPal <>
Date: Tuesday, December 6, 2011, 11:09:19 PM
Subject: You have changed your PayPal email address
Files: Message.html, Part.txt

Dear PayPal Customer,

You have added as a new email address for your Paypal account.

If you did not authorize this change, check with family members and others who may have access to your account first. If you still feel that an unauthorized person has changed your email, submit the form attached to your email in order to keep your original email and restore your Paypal account.

NOTE: The form needs to be opened in a modern browser which has javascript enabled (ex: Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 3, Safari 3, Opera 9)

Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience.If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choice but to temporary suspend your account.

Sincerely, PayPal Account Review Department.

Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account
and choose the "Help" link in the footer of any page.

Copyright © 1999-2011 PayPal. All rights reserved.

Scam letter:

From: Antonia Laura Joseph <>
Date: Tuesday, December 6, 2011, 8:15:41 PM

Dear Sir/Madam,

It gives me a great pleasure to invite you to the forth-coming international seminar which the United Foundation for Human Rights (UFFHR) is excited to be hosting in January 23rd to 28th 2012 first Phase at Elm Croft Manor New York City USA, And then from January 30th to February 4th 2012, Second phase at Lagasca Madrid Spain.

The theme of the forth coming seminar is; Racism and Human Right.

Delegates who are interested in making a paper presentation are advice to make a summary presentation on the above subject.

Note: the (UFFHR) will be providing all delegates with to and fro Air ticket and also visa's guidance for the seminar purpose.

Registration is open now!

Contact the organizing secretary Mrs. Estrella G. Desmond for more information. Email:

See you in the Seminar.


Miss Antonia Laura Joseph

Scam letter:

From: Marina Sanzel <>
Date: Tuesday, December 6, 2011, 5:13:59 PM

My Dearest One,

This is Miss Marina Sanzel from Trinidad &Tobago. I am writing from the hospital in Ivory Coast, therefore this mail is very urgent as you can see that I’m dying in the hospital which I don’t know what tomorrow will be. I was told by my doctor that I was poisoned and has got my liver damaged and can only live for some months.

I inherited some money ($2.5 Million) from my late father and I cannot think of anybody trying to kill me apart from my step mother in order to inherit the money, she is an Ivorian by nationality.

I want you to contact my servant with this information below:
Servant Augustine Maranatha.
Address: Rue De La Princess L /G 152 Cocody
Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire.
Tel +225 663 156 54

He will give you the documents of the money and will direct you to a well known lawyer that I have appointed to him, the lawyer will assist you to change the documents of the money to your name to enable the bank transfer the money to you.
This is the favour I need when you have gotten the money :-

(1) Give 20% of the money to my servant Augustine as he has been there for me throught my illness and I have promised to support him in life. I want you to take him along with you to your country and establish him as your son.
(2) Give 30% of the money to handicap people and charity organization, then the remaining one is yours.
Note; This should be a code between you and my Servant Augustine in this transaction "Hospital" any mail from him, the barrister he will direct you to, without this code "Hospital" is not from the barrister, Augustine, the bank or myself as I don't know what will happen to me in the next few hours.
(3) The lawyer's name is Mc Lambert Adams . And Let Augustine send you his International passport to be sure of whom you are dealing with. Augustine is so little therefore guide him.

And if I don't hear from you, I will look for another person or an organization.
May Almighty God bless you and use you to accomplish my wish.
Pray for me always.
Miss Marina Sanzel

Scam letter:

From: Adobe Update Notification <>
Date: Tuesday, December 6, 2011, 2:24:06 PM
Subject: Adobe Acrobat: Upgrade Needed, Tue, 6 Dec 2011 13:24:06
Files: AdobeSystems-Software_Critica

Hello Dear,

Adobe is pleased to announce new version upgrades for Adobe Acrobat Reader and Adobe X Suite Advanced features include:

- Collaborate across borders
- Create rich, polished PDF files from any application that prints
- Ensure visual fidelity
- Encrypt and share PDF files more securely
- Use the standard for document archival and exchange

To upgrade and enhance your work productivity today please open attached file.

Copyright 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
TrackNum: MVSGST-1543874

Adobe Systems Incorporated,
Tue, 6 Dec 2011 13:24:06 +0100

Scam letter:

From: ThomasMoore Incorporated <>
Date: Monday, December 5, 2011, 6:34:57 PM
Subject: FOB Price Quotation request

This is John Heyroth from Thomas Moore INC. We are interested in the purchase of your products. We need you to give us better view about your products and company as much as your best FOB price quotation.Inform if you supply sample or you want a trial order first. Thank you for your kind attention and I await your reply soon.

Best regards, JOHN HEYROTH
ThomasMoore INC

Scam letter:

From: Leeo Jack <>
Date: Monday, December 5, 2011, 6:35:45 PM
Subject: European Security and Finance Company

Am Mr. Leeo. Jack a credit manager of European Security and Finance Company, London. I need your assistance to execute a business.

It involves the transfer of sum $11.5m. I shall perfect all legal documents in your name to make you the legal beneficiary to the funds, Once the funds are transferred to your nominated account then we will share the proceeds in a ratio of 60% for me, 35% for you and 5% for expenses. Please is a secret deal.

Kindly respond with the following information below for further details if you are interested in this business.

send to my email below required information

1 Full names:
2 phone number:
3 Country:
4 Occupation:

Kind Regards,
Mr.Leeo Jack

Scam letter:

From: American Airlines <>
Date: Monday, December 5, 2011, 3:25:13 PM
Subject: Your Order MGYE2Z81SZU1EH2 from American Airlines

Notification, FLIGHT NUMBER A6294P
ELECTRONIC 3960421629
DATE & TIME / DECEMBER 16, 2011, 10:45 PM

Please find your ticket attached.
To use your ticket you should print it.

Thank you for using our airline company services.
American Airlines.

Scam letter:

From: Paul Cardle <>
Date: Monday, December 5, 2011, 1:01:42 PM
Subject: 100% Risk Free

I have a risk free business deal worth Sixty Million pounds (GBP) and need a trustworthy partner.
Contact me via my private email for more details.
God Bless You.

Best Regards,
Paul Cardle

Scam letter:

From: Lloyds TSB <>
Date: Monday, December 5, 2011, 2:30:53 PM
Subject: IP irregularities - we are unable to credit your account

New Payment

Dear Customer:

You have an unconfirmed payment on your account.

However we are unable to credit your account dew to IP irregularities noticed in your online activities.
We advice that you update your account online to avoid payment error
Simply click below to Logon and update your account to receive payment.

Please Do Not Reply to this Email. This is a notification regarding your account activities.
Lloyds is a division of Bank of Scotland plc.,

Registered in Scotland No.

Scam letter:

From: Godfrey Kufor Henshaw <>
Date: Saturday, December 3, 2011, 2:20:05 AM

Dear Sir/Madam,

The sum of US$85.9million was concealed in a 5 Trunk Boxes and deposited with a Private Security Company in the Republic of Ghana by a Top Government Official (Name Withheld) and hereinafter seeks your Partnership for the evacuation of these Cash Funds out of the Country for intelligent Safekeeping.

The person in question is a Presidential Aspirant for the 2012 Presidential Election in the Republic of Ghana. Your reward for participating in this risk free Business Deal will be 40% of the aforementioned Funds only if interested, ready and willing to fly to Ghana to stand as the Owner cum Beneficiary of the said amount before the Security Company for possible claiming. Send your

Private Telephone Numbers for discussion of this offer in full details.

Thank you.
Yours Respectfully, Godfrey Kufor Henshaw
Republic of Ghana

Scam letter:

From: FedEx <>
Date: Thursday, December 1, 2011, 11:22:06 PM
Subject: FedEx Agent FileForm 265017901531CD
Files: Part.txt

The FedEx Export AgentFile form replaces the paper SED which is no longer required by the US government. All EEI shipments must be filed electronically with the government prior to tendering the shipments to FedEx. For all future shipments that require an EEI, please complete and sign the attached form and fax it to (866) 879-9037 or you may email your request to An ITN (internal transaction number) provided by the government will be communicated to you via your choice of: phone, email or fax. The ITN must be written on your AWB or label. The ITN indicates that the shipment has been submitted to the government and approved to export.

Also, listed below for your convenience is the US government website for Schedule B numbers. Should there be any doubt of the commodity number being provided on the SED Agent File form, please taken advantage of this valuable resource.

Thank you for choosing FedEx,

Manifesting Ops Asst.
FedEx Express
EEI Department/AES Processing
2927 Southwide Bldg B
Memphis, Tennessee 38118
Tel: 866 352-3252 (Opt. 2) Fax: 866 879-9037
Thu, 1 Dec 2011 18:22:06 -0300

Scam letter:

From: RBC Royal Bank <>
Date: Thursday, December 1, 2011, 10:32:10 PM
Subject: Your RBC Royal Bank is temorarily inaccesible

Dear Customer.

We need your help resolving an issue with your profile. To give us time to work together on this, your RBC Royal Bank account is temporarily limited what you can do with your profile until the issue is resolved.
Please click here to review your account activity and upon verification, we will remove any restrictions placed on your account.

Your timely response would be greatly appreciated.

Thank for choosing RBC Royal Bank of Canada!
Yours sincerely,

Executive Vice President.

Royal Bank of Canada Website, © 1995-2011

Scam letter:

Date: Thursday, December 1, 2011, 3:53:18 PM


Award numbers: MLAT#2011 Ticket numbers: SSP 6746372 07421., Batch numbers:SNL 71197431-ZNG/2010.
The file reference numbers:SNL 9910289/ES 856.
Serial Numbers: McST/776/67730.

We the Board and Management of B'Micronet/, Wishes to inform you the results of the E-mail address ballot lottery international program held on 18th November 2011. This Account with Has been picked as a winner of the Program.

You are hence declared as one of the World Gaming Sponsored Lottery Program. This Category of winning has Won you the Sum of 250, 000.00 USD$ (TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS ONLY ) You will need to send your details to the claims and verification department to claim your winnings and release your prize to you. The results is today released to you in the "A" Category.

Your Address was selected through a computer ballot system in which you were noticed as one of the winners of the winning notification. send your details to the claims officer below

Contact Claim Officer:
MR. Jeff Osanga

Claims Requirements
Full Name: ________________ Home / Office Address:________ Age:_________ _____ Sex:_______ ____ Occupation: ___________ Marital Status:___ ______ Contact Phone Number:__ _______ Nationality: _______ Country Of Residence: ____Email Address: ___________

To File Your Claims, Please Contact Your claims officer For Validation Of Your Winning Within Ten Working Days Of This Winning Notification.As a winner, if you do not meet the requirements, Your winning will be cancelled.Of Winning Notification Are Termed Void And Invalid. Response Should Be Sent Immediately To MR Drake Mark, Email:, NOTE:To file for your claim, You areadvised to contact the validating officer of your winning within seven-working days of this winning notification.

The Micronet/ lottery has reached a decision from headquarters that any double claim discovered by the Lottery Board will result to the Cancelling of that particular winning, making a loss for both the double claimer and the real winner, as it is taken that the real winner was the informer to the double claimer about the lottery. So you are hereby strongly advised once more to keep your winnings strictly confidential until you claim your prize.


Thank you for using our services!

Yours Sincerely, Administrator
?2002-2011 Global Network Ventures Ltd.

-- mail delivery system!!!

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Is Forex similar to gambling?

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Poll #031
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Poll #030
Do you know that it is extremely hard for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God?

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Poll #028
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Poll #026
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Poll #024
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Poll #023
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Poll #021
What is the first step one should make to get out of debt?

Poll #018
Have you noticed that the more you give, the more you get?

Poll #017
What part of your income do you donate to charities?

Poll #016
What part of your income do you donate to Church?

Poll #015
What is the most important thing in getting out of debt?

Poll #014
What country has the healthiest (the most stable, reliable, and promising) economy?

Poll #013
Do you think credit cards are useful or harmful for people (not for bank owners)?

Poll #010
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Poll #009
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Poll #008
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Poll #007
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Poll #005
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Poll #004
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Poll #003
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Poll #002
What is the most reliable way to save money?


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