scam letters scam e-mails
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Scam Letters
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Scam Letters, Part 1

Here you will find scam letters sent to people's mailboxes. The letters include "Nigerian" scams, "phishing", "winning" notifications, "employment", "booking", "mystery shopping", and other scams.



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[Scam letters, Part 2]
[Scam letters, Part 1]

Scam letter 45

From: McDonald's <>
Subject: McDonald's Customer Satisfaction Survey

Congratulations !

You've been selected to take part in our quick and easy 8 questions survey In return we will credit $80.00 to your account - Just for your time!

Please spare two minutes of your time and take part in our online survey so we can improve our services. Don't miss this chance to change something at McDonald's.

To access the survey form please click on the link (or copy/paste the link below in your browser):

McDonald's Customer Satisfaction Department

© Copyright © 2009 McDonald's.

Scam letter 44

From: H. Jantamanta <>
Subject: From Harry & Partners

From: Harry Jantamanta
3 Whitehall Court, London,
SW1A 2EL London
Private Mobile: 44 704 576 2068

My name is Harry Jantamanta, UN humanitarian abuse reporter here in UN Independent Station United Kingdom. I got your contact through cross border business information centre

situated here in London as an online investor.

On behalf of my partners, I seek your assistance to accommodate and invest for us the sum of USD22.6M. The money in question is sourced to us by a particular head of states as a gesture for appreciation of a good work rendered to their country, but In line with the moral principal of our services, we are not required to accept gift of any kind nor own more than 10,000 USD in our respective bank account, hence our plea to be represented by a trust worthy person to accommodate and invest the sum for us.

Please note that this request is not a hoax.
We count on your ability to accommodate and invest the funds for us until we are able to process our resignation successfully.

If you are interested please provide me with the following in return email:


As soon as I hear from you, further details regarding the transaction will be unveiled to you.

I look forward for your urgent response.


Scam letter 43

From: Micheal Michael <>
Subject: Reply


I have a new email address!
You can now email me at:


- From: The Manager, International Commercial Bank Ghana Meridian House Ring Road Central Accra, Ghana Tell: 00233246888707. Email: Sir, I got your contact during my search for a reliable, trust worthy and honest person to introduce this transfer project with. My name is Mr. Michael Pelpuo. I am the manager of the International Commercial Bank Ghana, Meridian House Ring Road Central Branch Accra. I am a Ghanaian married with two kids. I am writing to solicit your assistance in the noble transfer of US$15.500.000.00. This fund is the excess of what my branch in which I am the manager made as profit during the last year. I have already submitted an approved End of the last Year report for the year 2007/8 to my Head Office here in Accra and they will never know of this Excess. I have since then, placed this amount of US$15.500.000.00 (Fifteen Million Five hundred Thousand United States Dollars) on a SUSPENSE ACCOUNT without a beneficiary. As an officer of the bank, I cannot be directly connected to this money thus I am impelled to request for your assistance to receive this money into your bank account. I intend to part 30% of this fund to you while 70% shall be for me. I do need to stress that there are practically no risk involved in this. It is going to be a bank-to-bank transfer to your nominated bank account anywhere you feel safer. All I need from you is to stand as the original depositor of this fund. If you accept this offer, I will appreciate your timely response.With regards, Michael Pelpuo.

Scam letter 42

From: Anne Dickson <>
To: <>

Dearest in one,

With Due Respect And Humanity, I was compelled to write to you under a humanitarian ground.

   My name is Anne Dickson. I was born in Baltimore, Maryland, I am married to Mr. John  Dickson  director J.C Industries Cote d'Ivoire.We were married for 36 years without a child. He died after a Cadiac Arteries Operation.


And Recently, My Doctor told me that I would not last for the next six months due to my cancer problem (cancer of the lever and stroke).

Before my husband died last year there is this sum $2.8 Million Dollars that he deposited with a Private Finance Company here In Ivory Coast. Presently this money is still in the Vault of the Company.


Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to any good God fearing brother or sister that will utilize this fund the way I am going to instruct herein.


I want somebody that will use this fund according to the desire of my late.husband to help Lessprivilaged people, orphanages, widows and propagating the word of God.


I took this decision because I don have any child that will inherit this fund, And I don want in away where this money will be used in an unGodly way. This is why I am taking this decision to hand you over this Fund.


I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going.I want you to always remember me in your daily prayers because of my up coming Cancer Surgery.


Write back as soon as possible any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing another person for this same purpose, Hoping to read from you asap.


God bless you as you listing to the voice of reasoning,


Mrs Anne Dickson.

Firefox 3: ??K??o???K?.

?????????????????????????????? Firefox 3!

Scam letter 41

From: Mr,Joseph Rahman <>
Subject: GOD BLESS
Files: sending_you_email.jpg

Dearest in christ,

I feel quite safe and satisfy dealing with you in this charity project, I
choose to reach you through this medium because it still remains the
fastest,surest and most secured medium of communication. However, this
correspondence is purely private, and it should be treated as such,As you read
this, I don't want you to feel sorry for me,because, I know everyone will die
someday.My name is Mr. Joseph Rhaman a merchant in Dubai, in the U.A.E.I have
been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer. It has defiled all forms of medical
treatment, and right now I have only about a few months to live, according to
doctor.I have not lived my life so well, as I never really cared for anyone
(not even myself) but my business.Though I am very rich, I was never Generous,
I was always hostile to people and only focused on my business as that was the
only thing I cared for.But now I regret all this, as I now know that there is
more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in the world.I
have decided to give alms to charity organizations,as I want this the last
good deed I do on earth.So far, I have distributed money to some charity
organizations in asia. Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot
do this myself anymore. I once asked members of my family to close all my
accounts and sell off all my properties and distribute the money to charity
organizations and keep only a certain % to themselves but they refused and
with aid of my lawyer they kept the money to themselves.Hence, I do not trust
them anymore, as they seem not to be contended with what I have left for them.
The last of my money which no one knows of is a cash deposit of
$5,000,000(five million dollars) that I have with a finance/Security Company
abroad. I will want you to help me collect this deposit and dispatch it to
charity organizations in my name.I have set aside 30% for your time.i shall
await you immediate response so i can give you all the full details and
document's to get the funds before i die.

God be with you.

Scam letter 40

From: Micheal Michael <>
Subject: Reply

I have a new email address!

You can now email me at:


- From: The Manager, International Commercial Bank Ghana Meridian House Ring Road Central Accra, Ghana Tell: 00233246888707. Email: Sir, I got your contact during my search for a reliable, trust worthy and honest person to introduce this transfer project with. My name is Mr. Michael Pelpuo. I am the manager of the International Commercial Bank Ghana, Meridian House Ring Road Central Branch Accra. I am a Ghanaian married with two kids. I am writing to solicit your assistance in the noble transfer of US$15.500.000.00. This fund is the excess of what my branch in which I am the manager made as profit during the last year. I have already submitted an approved End of the last Year report for the year 2007/8 to my Head Office here in Accra and they will never know of this Excess. I have since then, placed this amount of US$15.500.000.00 (Fifteen Million Five hundred Thousand United States Dollars) on a SUSPENSE ACCOUNT without a beneficiary. As an officer of the bank, I cannot be directly connected to this money thus I am impelled to request for your assistance to receive this money into your bank account. I intend to part 30% of this fund to you while 70% shall be for me. I do need to stress that there are practically no risk involved in this. It is going to be a bank-to-bank transfer to your nominated bank account anywhere you feel safer. All I need from you is to stand as the original depositor of this fund. If you accept this offer, I will appreciate your timely response.With regards, Michael Pelpuo.

Scam letter 39

From: Technical Support Team
Subject: Email Account


Dear Member,

This mail is to inform all our webmail users that we will be
maintaining and upgrading our website in a couple of days from now.
As a Subscriber you are required to send us your E-mail Account
Details to enable us know if you are still making use of your mail box.

Be informed, that we will be deleting all mail account that is not
functioning to enable us create more space.

You are receiving this mail because you are using the WebMail-Beta.

To reactivate, provide the Technical Team with the following details
of your account:

Email Username:
Email Password:
Date of Birth:

For Help and Support, contact our Technical Support help desk at:

WARNING: Any one that receives this email and failed to respond to the
mail will be deactivated from our database.

Technical Team,
Member Center.

Copyright A© Webmaster. All rights reserved 2009

Scam letter 38

From: Internal Revenue Service <service@IRS.G0V>
Subject: Official Notification

After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity we
have determined that you are eligible to receive a tax refund of $92.50.
Please submit the tax refund request and allow us 3-6 days in order to process it.
A refund can be delayed for a variety of reasons. For example submitting invalid
records or applying after the deadline.

To access the form for your tax refund, please click here :

Internal Revenue Service.

© Copyright 2009, Internal Revenue Service U.S.A.

Scam letter 37

From: infospanish_009 <>

Your Email address has won the sum of 950,000Euros in an International Email Sweepstakes Program Cooporation held on the 27Th of Jan 2009 in Spain .We write to officially notify you of this award and to advised you to contact your claim agent Mr,Robert Jones : Tel:+:+34-6341 -545-98.(1)LuckyNoVZB907UT (2)Batch NoHUX208ZB
Mrs Elizabeth Jose

Scam letter 36

From: Mrs. Judi Hadiyyah <>

God Bless,

I have the honor and confidence to write you in view of the fact that my heart reveals to me that you are trustworthy and reliable person.
My name is Mrs. Judi Hadiyyah; I am a dying woman who has decided to donate all I have to charity.
I am a dying 89 years old woman and I was diagnosed for cancer four years ago. I have been touched by God to donate from what I have inherited from my late
wealthy husband to you for the good work of God on Earth. I have asked God to forgive me and believe he has because He is a merciful God and he revealed to
me to do what I am doing now. I will be going in for an operation later today and my chances of surviving are very little. I decided to WILL/DONATE my only
investment left worth of 20.5 million dollars to you for the good work of the lord on earth, and also to help the motherless and less privileged children,
and also for the assistance of the widows.
At the moment I cannot speak due to oxygen placed in my throat to enable me breath if not I would referred you call me back.
What I want you to do for me is to use 60% of the money for charity and keep 40% to yourself, if you can do this for me then you deserve it. I am putting my
trust on you please don't betray me.
My relatives have been squandering all my assets, they sold my properties and even miss-used the funds i gave them for this purpose before, as if that wasn’t
enough they abandoned me here at the Hospital in Scotland.
I have learnt my lessons and adjusted my WILL and my lawyer is aware.
I wish you all the best and may the good Lord bless you abundantly and direct you on how to spend this money, and please use the funds well for charity so
that my soul will remain happy.

Contact my lawyer with his email:
Name: Eric Erickson.

Tell him that you are the beneficiary to my WILL by quoting my personal reference number PWM/JH/98008. I have also notified him.
I know I don't know you but my faith has directed to do this. If you are not interested please let me know because i do not want my wealth to be abandoned at
the bank hereby going to some corrupt bank official pockets to embezzle.
Thanks and God bless.

Judi Hadiyyah.

Scam letter 35

From: Liberty Reserve S.A. <>
Subject: Terms of Service Modification

                        Modifications have been made to the Liberty Reserve Terms of Service.
  New Version as of 02 February 2009 are displayed below for your review.     Liberty Reserve Terms of Service Modification
  CONDITIONS.     2.3.2.  User acknowledges and accepts that in the case of a claim of unauthorized
  Spends, the presumption shall be that all Spends are authorized by and are the
  liability of the User.   2.4.2.   User is responsible for all Spends from User’s Liberty Reserve account,
  except as provided in section 2.3, even if the instructions provided by User are
  incorrect.   2.4.5.  User understands and acknowledges that Liberty Reserve does not act as judge
  or jury or as law enforcement or as a court of law with respect to any disputes
  between users of Liberty Reserve. User understands that any such involvement by
  Liberty Reserve in the affairs of users of the system could expose Liberty Reserve
  to civil legal liability, or possibly criminal liability, even if Liberty Reserve
  believes that its actions are in good faith.     You must now confirm that you accept Terms of Service, if you want countinue using
  your Liberty Reserve Account.     To do this click on the link below to confirm new terms and select the appropriate button   to continue using Liberty Reserve Account.     Click here to agree to New Liberty Reserve Terms           © 2002 — 2008 Liberty Reserve S.A. All rights reserved.       ***This is an automated message, please do not reply***

Scam letter 34

From: John McGowan Jr. <>
To: <>
Subject: Re-Notifying You Again!!!

Get Back To Me For More Details.

We wish to notify you again that you were listed as an heir to the total sum of Ten Million Six Hundred Thousand British pounds in the codicil and last testament of the deceased. Name now withheld since this is our second letter to you. We contacted you because you bear the surname identity and therefore can present you as the heir to the inheritance.

We therefore reckoned that you could receive these funds as you are qualified by your name identity. All the legal papers will be processed in your acceptance. In your acceptance of this deal, we request that you kindly forward to us your letter of acceptance; your current telephone and fax numbers and a forwarding address to enable us file necessary documents at our high court probate division for the release of this sum of money.

Please contact me via my private email so that we can get this done immediately.

Kind regards,
John McGowan Jr.

Scam letter 33

From: Afri Bank Nigeria Plc <>
Subject: REF/PAYMENTS OF $100,000 USD.

REF/PAYMENTS CODE: AFB/06654 $100,000 USD.

This is to bring to your notice that we are delegated from
the UNITED NATIONS in Central Bank to pay 150 victims of scam
$100,000 USD each. You are listed and approved for this
payment as one of the scammed victims to be paid this amount,
get back to this office as soon as possible for the immediate
payments of your $100,000 USD compensations funds.
Name:Kent Momodu.
AFB/06654 $100,000 USD.
Yours Faithfully,
Mrs.Julian Mena

Scam letter 32

From: Emman Edward <>
Subject: Sincere Request!

Good Day ,
I sincerely contact you because I need your assistance to help me in what belongs to me. I am Master Edward Emmanuel, the only son of Mr & Mrs Edward Jonathan. My father was a highly reputable (cocoa merchant) in Ivory Coast. It was sad that he was poisoned and passed away mysteriously in France during his business trip. His sudden death was linked by an uncle who travelled with him.
My mother died when I was 2 years old. My father took me so special before he made the trip. He called me and explained to me the reason why he made the trip. He also told me that he deposited a trunk box contain twelve million seven hundred thousand (U S) dollars ($ 12.700 000) in a security company here in Nigeria.
He told me that the money is for investment purpose. He also told me that the security company did not know the contains of the box as money but as family value for security purpose. He gave me the certificate deposit of the box & other vital documents before his death. I want to use the opportunity to let you know that l went to the security company to establish the ownership of the consignment box.
Now l need your assistance to clam the consignment box to enable us to have access to the money for investment as it was my late father's aim before his death. I am here by seeking for your help as follows:
(1) To assist me get the consignment box to your residence.
(2) To serve as the guardian of the fund.
(3) To assist me get residence permit immediately I come to meet you.
(4) To assist me invest the fund as it was my late father's aim before his death.
Thanks for your anticipation assistance.
Your Sincere Brother In The Lord,
Master Edward Emmanuel.

Scam letter 31

From: Mrs Maria Stevens <>
Subject: On Trust
I have a new email address!
You can now email me at:

- Mrs Maria Stevens No:113 Oliver Thambo creasent,South Africa. Hello my good friend, I am sure you will be surprised to receive this my proposal,since you do not know me personally but consider it as a request from a widow in dare need of your assistance. In brief introduction I am Mrs.Maria Stevens a Zimbabwean Citizen and the wife of late Mr.David Stevens. I got your contact address through online directory here in South Africa during my search for an individual or company that will help me so i seek for your help. Before my husband's death my husband was among the few Zimbabwean white and black farmers, murdered in cold blood by the agents of the ruling government of the incumbent President of Zimbabwe Dr.Robert Mugabe for his alleged support and sympathy for the Zimbabwean opposition party controlled by the white minority. This land reform may hem arose when President Mugabe enforced his land reform act; the whole thing resulted to rampant killings and mob actions by his so-called war veterans against renewed farmers, both whites and blacks alike. Despite the world condemnation of this form of dictatorial leadership, President Mugabe kept using this to subdue and intimidate his political enemies. Farmers were the targets of the so-called veterans; this resulted to the death of a lot of good farmers in our country. Before the death of my husband, he took me to South Africa to deposit some huge amount of money in a security company for safekeeping; this fund was according to my husband is meant for overseas investment. My husband specifically drew my attention to his will and to the sum of (US$18 Million United States Dollars) that was deposited here in Johannesburg, South Africa with the security company. MY HUSBAND said and I quote "MY DEAR WIFE, I WISH TO DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO THIS MONEY WHICH I DEPOSITED IN SOUTH AFRICA TO FAVOUR YOU. IN CASE AND IN THE CAUSE OF MY ABSENCE ON EARTH, YOU SHOULD MAKE VERY GOOD USE OF THIS FUND FOR THE WELL BEING OF THE ENTIRE FAMILY.Based on this explanation, your assistance is highly solicited to transfer this money out of here for investment purpose, without the knowledge of my government who had tactically frozen our wealth and the South Africa government seems to be playing along with them. I am faced with dilemma of investing this money in South Africa for fear of seizure since both countries seems to be working together i have been contemplating on how to invest this fund in your country in a confidential manner. I have concluded of investing in a rapidly growing business (Real Estate), which I know is on the rise all over the world. I am presently living alone in South Africa as asylum seeker because my two twins died in the course of this crisis which has devastated my whole world, also here certain rights such as huge amount or to work while in the country are been denied. Therefore, if you accept to assist me, I am willing to offer you 30% of the total sum, 70% for and we will have to remove any expenses that may occur during the cause of this transaction after you receive the fund in your account. Note: Modalities on how the transfer will be done has been arranged and would be conveyed to you once we have established communication/trust with you. Please contact me with my private Email: and also your urgent and immediate response will be highly appreciated. Best regards, Mrs Maria Stevens.

Scam letter 30

From: Mrs.Maria Stevens <>
Subject: On Trust

I have a new email address!
You can now email me at:

- Mrs Maria Stevens No:113 Oliver Thambo creasent,South Africa. Hello my good friend, I am sure you will be surprised to receive this my proposal,since you do not know me personally but consider it as a request from a widow in dare need of your assistance. In brief introduction I am Mrs.Maria Stevens a Zimbabwean Citizen and the wife of late Mr.David Stevens. I got your contact address through online directory here in South Africa during my search for an individual or company that will help me so i seek for your help. Before my husband's death my husband was among the few Zimbabwean white and black farmers, murdered in cold blood by the agents of the ruling government of the incumbent President of Zimbabwe Dr.Robert Mugabe for his alleged support and sympathy for the Zimbabwean opposition party controlled by the white minority. This land reform may hem arose when President Mugabe enforced his land reform act; the whole thing resulted to rampant killings and mob actions by his so-called war veterans against renewed farmers, both whites and blacks alike. Despite the world condemnation of this form of dictatorial leadership, President Mugabe kept using this to subdue and intimidate his political enemies. Farmers were the targets of the so-called veterans; this resulted to the death of a lot of good farmers in our country. Before the death of my husband, he took me to South Africa to deposit some huge amount of money in a security company for safekeeping; this fund was according to my husband is meant for overseas investment. My husband specifically drew my attention to his will and to the sum of (US$18 Million United States Dollars) that was deposited here in Johannesburg, South Africa with the security company. MY HUSBAND said and I quote "MY DEAR WIFE, I WISH TO DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO THIS MONEY WHICH I DEPOSITED IN SOUTH AFRICA TO FAVOUR YOU. IN CASE AND IN THE CAUSE OF MY ABSENCE ON EARTH, YOU SHOULD MAKE VERY GOOD USE OF THIS FUND FOR THE WELL BEING OF THE ENTIRE FAMILY.Based on this explanation, your assistance is highly solicited to transfer this money out of here for investment purpose, without the knowledge of my government who had tactically frozen our wealth and the South Africa government seems to be playing along with them. I am faced with dilemma of investing this money in South Africa for fear of seizure since both countries seems to be working together i have been contemplating on how to invest this fund in your country in a confidential manner. I have concluded of investing in a rapidly growing business (Real Estate), which I know is on the rise all over the world. I am presently living alone in South Africa as asylum seeker because my two twins died in the course of this crisis which has devastated my whole world, also here certain rights such as huge amount or to work while in the country are been denied. Therefore, if you accept to assist me, I am willing to offer you 30% of the total sum, 70% for and we will have to remove any expenses that may occur during the cause of this transaction after you receive the fund in your account. Note: Modalities on how the transfer will be done has been arranged and would be conveyed to you once we have established communication/trust with you. Please contact me with my private Email: and also your urgent and immediate response will be highly appreciated. Best regards, Mrs Maria Stevens.

Scam letter 29

From: Carl Wilson <>
To: <>
Subject: Attn; Request.

Project Director,
National Oil & Gas Inc.
Lagos, Nigeria.
mobile number: 002348078558099

Sometimes the urgency of a letter could determine the
channel in which it is sent, this letter is very urgent and
important and the fastest channel to reach you is via your
email address.

Can you receive $7.5 Million on behalf of my company and
be compensated with 30% of it? Send your names, phone, fax
number and age then you will be fully briefed on the nature
of the transaction.

Yours truly,
Mr. Carl Wilson

Scam letter 28

From: sa <>
Plaza Romano N°19 Planta 5
28011 Madrid, Spain.



Hiermit informieren wir Sie uber das Ergebnis der SUPER SORTEO LOTTERY/INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME, die am 22.DEZ 2008 stattgefunden hat. Da die Nummern und Adressen vertauscht wurden, sind die am 24-JANUAR. 2009 freigegeben worden. Die auf ihrem Namen stehende Ticketnummer 031-1127-841 mit der Seriennummer 3214-09 hat die Glucksnummern 09-22-37-39-41-49 2-7 gezogen, mit der sie folglich die Lotterie in der dritten Kategorie gewonnen haben. Somit wird ihnen die Pauschalsumme von €615.810,00 (SECHS HUNDERT UND FUNFZEHN TAUSEND, ACHTHUNDERT UND ZEHN EURO) in bar gut geschrieben fur die dantei mit der Referenznummer ILC 25456009 NM und Bearbeitungsnummer: 8800133/IPD/08. Dies stammt aus dem gesemten Geld preis von €7.640.610,00 (SIEBEN MILLIONEN SECHSHUNDERTVIERZIG TAUSEND SECHSHUNDERTZEHN EURO) die international unter den Gewinnem dieser Kategorie verteilt warden. HERZLICHEN GLUCKWUNSCH!!!!

Ihr Kapital befindet sich im Augenblick in Verwahrung bei der Versicherungsgesellschaft und ist auf ihrem namen versichert. Da einige Nummern und Namen vertauscht wurden, bitten wir sie diesen Preis nicht der Offentlichkeit mitzuteilen bis Ihr Anspruch bearbeitet und das Geld auf Ihr Konto uberwiesen worden ist, da es unserem Scherheitsprotokoll entspricht, um eine zweifache Forderung zu vermeiden,oder auch dass Teilnehmer dieses Programm unberechtigt ausnutzen, so wie es in der Vergangenheit schon vorgekommen ist. Alle Teilnehmer sind von einem Rechnerwahlsystem aus 19.000 Namen aus Asien, Australien, Neuseeland, Europa, Amerika, Afrika und Nordamerika gezogen, die an unserem internationalen Promotionsprogramme teilnehmen. Wir hoffen, dass sie mit einem Teil ihres Preises an unserer internationalen Lotterie 2009 am Ende des Jahres mit dem hohen Einsatz von € 1.4 Billionen teilnehmen.

Um Ihren lottoanspruch zu beantragen, nehmen sie mit Ihrem Antragsvertreter JOSE R.WILLIAMS, Auslandskoordinationsmanager von CENTROL FINANCE HOUSE S.A. ESPANA mit Tel: 0034 680 804 639, Fax: 00 34-940-467-002, : Kontakt auf zur Verarbeitung und Uberweisung Ihrer Geldpramie auf die von Ihnem angewiesene Bestimmung. Vergessen Sie nicht,dass alle Geldpreise vor dem 15 FEBRUAR. 2009 beantrgt werden mussen. Nach diesem Tag wird das Kapital dem MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA Y HACIENDA als nicht beantragt zuruckgesendet. Hiermit wird Ihnen ausserdem mitgeteilt, dass 5% ihres Lottogewinns der CENTROL FINANCE HOUSE S.A. ESPANA zukommt, da sie Ihren Namen fur dieses ziehung eingetragen hat und Ihr Antragsvertreter ist. Die 5% warden uberwiesen, nachdem Sie den Gewinn in Ihrem Land erhalten haben, denn das Geld ist auf Ihren Namen versichert. Der Empfanger ist fur die Uberweisungsgebuhr des Gewinns in seinem/ihrem Land zustandig.
ANMERKUNG: Nicht notwendiges zu vermeiden verzogert und Komplikationen, erinnern bitte sich Ihren Hinweis und Bearbeitungsnummern zu veranschlagen, die oben in jedem Ihrer Korrespondenz mit Ihrem Regulierer versehen werden. Sie sollen die Details unten zur Verfugung stellen, um der Geschwindigkeit Auswertung und der Verarbeitung Ihrer winnings zu ermoglichen. wir Rat, dem Sie ausschlie?lich ihre Verfahren befolgen, um jede Disqualifikationen und folgende Annullierung zu vermeiden. 1.volle Namen: 2. Ihre volle Ausgangs-/Buroadresse: 3. Direkte telephone/fax Zahlen: 4. Alter: 5: Besetzung die oben genannten Detailinformationen ist absolut notwendig, um in Ihren Anspruchen einzuordnen. Gluckwunsche noch einmal von allem Stab von (ONLINEMICRO-SOFT SUPERSORTEO-LOTTERY INTERNATIONALE PROGRAMME) herzlichst Ihrem, Mrs Romas F Anna. Merken Sie bitte gewinnende alle mu? innerhalb 3 Wochen nach diese Nachricht behauptet werden. Gluckwunsche noch einmal
N.B. Any Bruch der Vertraulichkeit von seiten der Sieger resultiert zur Disqualifikation. Bitte antworten Sie nicht auf diese E-mail Adresse. Treten Sie mit Ihrem Regulierer @ in Verbindung

Scam letter 27

From: Susan <>
To: <>

Mrs Susan fernando.
I am the above named person from Kuwait. I am married to Dr SAZON FERNANDO
who worked with Kuwait embassy in Ivory Coast for nine years before he
died in the year 2005.We were married for eleven years without a child. He
died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days. Before his
death we were both born again Christians.Since his death I decided not to
re-marry or get a child outside my matrimonial home which the Bible is
against.When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of 18Million
Dollars (eighteen Million United State Dollars) with one finance/security
company in Amsterderm-Netherlands. Presently
This money is still with the
Security Company. Recently
my Doctor told me that I would not last for
the next three months due to cancer problem. Though what disturbs me most
is my stroke sickness. Having known my condition I decided to donate this
Fund to church or better still a christian individual that will utilize
this money the way I am going to instruct here in. I want a church that
will use this funds to fund churches
orphanages and widows propagating the
word of God and to ensure that the house of God is maintained. The Bible
made us to understand that Blessed is the hand that giveth. I took this
decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this money and
my husband relatives are not Christians and I don't want my husband's
earned money to be misused by unbelievers. I don't want a situation where
this money will be used in an ungodly manner. Hence the reason for taking
this bold decision. I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am
going. I know that I am going to be in the bosom of the Lord. Exodus 14 VS
14 says that the lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace. I
don't need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health
and because of the presence of my husband's relatives around me always. I
don't want them to know about this development. With God all things are
possible. As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of
the Finance/Security Company in Amsterderm-Netherlands. I will also issue
you a letter of authority that will prove you as the original- beneficiary
of this Funds. I want you and the church to always pray for me because the
lord is my shephard. My happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy
Christian. Whoever that wants to serve the Lord must serve him in spirit
and truth. Please always be prayerful all through your life. Any delay in
your reply will give me room in sourcing for a church or christian
individual for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act
accordingly as I stated herein. Hoping to hearing from you. I have set
aside 20% for you and for your time and 10% for any enpense if there is
any . Remain blessed in the name of the Lord. Yours in Christ
Mrs. susan fernando
Note: reply email to

Scam letter 26

From: Glendale Area Schools FCU <>
Subject: Official Notification

You have 1 new ALERT message
Please login to your Glendale Area Schools Federal Credit Union Online Login
and visit the Message Center section in order to read the message.

To Login, please click the link below:

Glendale Area Schools Federal Credit Union Online Banking

Copyright © 2009 Glendale Area Schools Federal Credit Union

Scam letter 25

From: Barclays <>
Subject: Dear Barclays Customer.

Important Notice: January, 2009    
Dear Sir/Madam,

Barclays Bank PLC. always look forward for the high security of our clients. Some customers have been receiving an email claiming to be from Barclays advising them to follow a link to what appear to be a Barclays web site, where they are prompted to enter their personal Online Banking details. Barclays is in no way involved with this email and the web site does not belong to us.

Barclays is proud to announce about their new updated secure system. We updated our new SSL servers to give our customers a better, fast and secure online banking service.

Due to the recent update of the servers, you are requested to please update your account info at the following link.

We have asked few additional information which is going to be the part of secure login process. These additional information will be asked during your future login security so, please provide all these info completely and correctly otherwise due to security reasons we may have to close your account temporarily.


J. S. Smith
Security Advisor
Barclays Bank PLC.

Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.
For assistance, log in to your Barclays Online Bank account and choose the "Help" link on any page.

Barclays Email ID # 1009

Scam letter 24

From: The Old Point National Bank <>
Subject: Official Notification


You have 1 new ALERT message
Please login to your The Old Point National Bank Online Login
and visit the Message Center section in order to read the message.

To Login, please click the link below:

The Old Point National Bank Online Banking

Copyright © 2009 The Old Point National Bank

Scam letter 23

From: Thomas George <>
Subject: New Message!

I am Mr. Thomas George, the Auditor General, Linkage Management Solutions Limited UK .
In the course of my auditing, I discovered a floating fund in an account which was opened in 1990 belonging
to a dead foreign mine worker, who died in 1999. Every effort made to track any member of his family or next
of kin has since failed; hence I got in Contact with you to stand as his next of kin since you bear the same last
name. He died leaving no heir or a will. My intention is to transfer this sum of $15.5M in the aforementioned
account to a safe account overseas. I am therefore proposing that you quietly partner with me and provide an
account or set up a new one that will serve the purpose of receiving this fund. For your assistance in this
ventureI am ready to part with 30% of the entire funds to you. After going through the deceased person's
records and files, I discovered that:

(1) No one has operated this account since 1999
(2) He died without an heir; hence the money has been floating.
(3) No other person knows about this account and there was no known beneficiary.

If I do not remit this money urgently,it would be forfeited and subsequently converted to company's
funds which will benefit only the directors of my firm. This money can be approved to you legally as with
all the necessary documentary approvals in your name.However, you would be required to show some proof
of claim which I will provide you with and also guide you on how to make your applications. Please do give
me a reply so that I can send you detailed information on the modalities of my proposition. I completely trust
you to keep this Proposition absolutely confidential. Kindly forward your telephone and fax numbers where I
can reach you easily.
I look forward to your prompt response. Please you can reach on my private email
Best Regards,
Mr. Thomas George


Scam letter 22

From: Michael Graham <>
To: <>

I will like to start with reminding you that your unclaimed inheritance is still lurking around, up till now I am amazed at the way you have ignored all the notice I have sent out to you. This message will be the last notice that I will be sending out to you.

Upon the receipt of this mail I will want you to reconfirm to me your details and also tell me the reason why you have kept quiet all the while; I do believe you should have a logical answer to that. I also will like for you to know that I have some new developments on ground which I believe will be good news to you.

I will advice that you do not abandon this message and respond as a matter of urgency so that we can get done with your claim.

Best regards

Michael Graham
Associate Solicitor.
Tel: +447031997793
Tel: +447024053610

Scam letter 21

From: Glendale Area Schools FCU <>
Subject: Official Notification From Glendale Area Schools FCU

You have 1 new ALERT message
Please login to your Glendale Area Schools Federal Credit Union Online Login
and visit the Message Center section in order to read the message.

To Login, please click the link below:

Glendale Area Schools Federal Credit Union Online Banking

Copyright © 2009 Glendale Area Schools Federal Credit Union

Scam letter 20

From: Susan <>
To: <>


Mrs Susan fernando.
I am the above named person from Kuwait. I am married to Dr SAZON FERNANDO
who worked with Kuwait embassy in Ivory Coast for nine years before he
died in the year 2005.We were married for eleven years without a child. He
died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days. Before his
death we were both born again Christians.Since his death I decided not to
re-marry or get a child outside my matrimonial home which the Bible is
against.When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of 18Million
Dollars (eighteen Million United State Dollars) with one finance/security
company in Amsterderm-Netherlands. Presently
This money is still with the
Security Company. Recently
my Doctor told me that I would not last for
the next three months due to cancer problem. Though what disturbs me most
is my stroke sickness. Having known my condition I decided to donate this
Fund to church or better still a christian individual that will utilize
this money the way I am going to instruct here in. I want a church that
will use this funds to fund churches
orphanages and widows propagating the
word of God and to ensure that the house of God is maintained. The Bible
made us to understand that Blessed is the hand that giveth. I took this
decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this money and
my husband relatives are not Christians and I don't want my husband's
earned money to be misused by unbelievers. I don't want a situation where
this money will be used in an ungodly manner. Hence the reason for taking
this bold decision. I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am
going. I know that I am going to be in the bosom of the Lord. Exodus 14 VS
14 says that the lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace. I
don't need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health
and because of the presence of my husband's relatives around me always. I
don't want them to know about this development. With God all things are
possible. As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of
the Finance/Security Company in Amsterderm-Netherlands. I will also issue
you a letter of authority that will prove you as the original- beneficiary
of this Funds. I want you and the church to always pray for me because the
lord is my shephard. My happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy
Christian. Whoever that wants to serve the Lord must serve him in spirit
and truth. Please always be prayerful all through your life. Any delay in
your reply will give me room in sourcing for a church or christian
individual for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act
accordingly as I stated herein. Hoping to hearing from you. I have set
aside 20% for you and for your time and 10% for any enpense if there is
any . Remain blessed in the name of the Lord. Yours in Christ
Mrs. susan fernando
Note: reply email to

Scam letter 19

From: Oliversimon Opoku <>
Date: Saturday, January 24, 2009, 9:45:12 PM

I have a new email address!
You can now email me at:


- The Government of Ghana,is needing tender bid suppliers for the following items.1. water treatment plants,Chemicals,Animal Feeds/ingredients to (Ministry of Agriculture) 2. (Ministry of Agriculture) 3. Medical equipment (Syringes, needles, surgical instruments,wheel chairs,beds) to (Ministry of Health) 4. agro chemicals . to (Ministry of Agriculture) 5.condoms . to (Ministry of Health) 6.Educational infrastucture. (Stationeries,Computer, Laptop and Desk Tops) to ( Ministry of Education) 7.Fishing equipment . fishing nets,hocks,treads, etc to (Ministry of Agriculture) 8.Knapsack sprayer to (Ministry of Agriculture) 9.treated mosquito net. to (Ministry of Health) 10.round neck T.shirts to (Ministry of Interior) 11 Cars/Buses and Trucks for ministry of transport,Tender is open to all eligible foreign contractors from eligible source countries as defined in the guidelines of the procurement Board of the Republic of Ghana.If you can handle the supply of any of the above items,get back to me for more details with this: or, Yours faithfully Mr. Oliver S.Opoku Govt.Accredited commision agent C.E.O; Ossy Global Agency

Scam letter 18



The sum of 6.800,000.00 $ have been accredited.

Approved in your favor contact Mrs Rita Lewis with

Your Name:
Phone Number

Announcer: Mr David Mark

Scam letter 17

Subject: GREETINGS.......

I understand that through Internet is not the best way to link up with you because of the confidentiality which my proposal demands.

However, I have already sent you this same letter one month ago, but I am not sure if it did get to you since I have not heard from you, hence i am constrain to reach you through the Internet which has been abused over the years.

I wish to notify you again that You were listed as a Heir to the total sum of (Four million Six hundred thousand British Pounds) in the codicil and last testament of the deceased.(Name now withheld since this is our second letter to you). I contacted you because you bear the surname identity and therefore can present you as the Heir to the inheritance funds.

I therefore reckoned that you could receive these funds as you are qualified by your name identity. All the legal papers will be processed in your acceptance. In your acceptance of this deal, we request that you kindly forward to us your letter of acceptance; your current telephone and fax numbers and a forwarding address to enable us file necessary documents at our high court probate division for the release of this sum of money.

Please indicate your interest immediately for us to proceed. I shall feed you with full details of this transaction upon receipt of your reply towards this proposal.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Faithfully,
Mr.Mark Daniel (Barrister)

Scam letter 16

Subject: Greeting from MR ANTONY
From: Mrtony John <>
Greeting from MR ANTONY

I work as the auditor with central bank of senegal,I have an Investor under my portfolio with a closing balance of $30 million his first initial deposit.

This Investor died 31 july 2000  leaving no WILL or AUTHORIZATION for re-transfer of his Investment and its proceeds to the INHERITOR and because of the laws here in senegal.I have personally carried out an Investigation on the subject matter that takes me 9 months to finalize and was made to understand that the Family or Relatives of the Investor knows nothing about his Investment and none have any records of all his deposits and investment with us leaving an avenue for claiming of the said funds with its accrued interest on presentation of a trustworthy person that can stand as the INHERITOR to the deceased.

Like I said before there is no risk involve as it will pass through international banking laws and all the necessary information will be given to you in later.I do not want any direct link between you and me. My official lines are not secure lines as they are periodically monitored to assess our level of customer care in line with our Total Quality Management Policy. Please observe this instruction religiously.

Please, again, note I am a family man, I have wife and children. I send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to what the consequences, but I know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold. This is the one truth I have learned from my private banking clients. Do not betray my confidence. If we can be of one accord,

we should plan a meeting soon.I ask that if you find no interest in this project that you should discard this mail. I ask that you do not be vindictive and destructive. If my offer is of no appeal to you,delete this message and forget I ever contacted you. Do not destroy my career because you do not approve of my proposal. You may not know this but people like myself who have made tidy sums out of comparable situations run the whole private banking sector. I am not a criminal and what I do,

 I do not find against good conscience, this may be hard for you to understand, but the dynamics of my industry dictates that I make this move. Such opportunities only come ones way once in a lifetime. I cannot let this chance pass me by, for once I find myself in total control of my destiny. These chances wont pass me by. I ask that you do not destroy my chance, if you will not work with me let me know and let me move on with my life but do not destroy me.

I am a family man and this is an opportunity to provide them with new opportunities. There is a reward for this project and it is a task well worth undertaking.If you are interested, I can present you as the INHERITOR with all the relevant informations and proper documentation that will qualify you to have the funds claimed and on doing this,

our establishment will not question the release of the funds to you as I will make sure that we comply with the laid down rules and laws of claiming the Investment of a deceased Investor in our Establishment. Our sharing ratio will be 60:30 while 10% will be set aside for any kind of expenses along the line. 

Please contact me for more details breakdown if interested by sending me along with all these information's bellow,email

1}Your full name
2}Home and office address
3}Full phone and fax number
4}Marital status

Scam letter 15

Subject RE: REPLY
From Ezra Michael <>
Meu novo endereço de e-mail

Agora você pode me contactar através do e-mail:


- From: The Manager, International Commercial Bank Ghana First Light Branch Accra,Ghana.Tell: 00233242761062.Sir,I got your contact during my search for a reliable, trust worthy and honest person to introduce this transfer project with. My name is Mr. Michael Ezra. I am the manager of the International Commercial Bank Ghana, First Light Branch Accra. I am a Ghanaian married with two kids.I am writing to solicit your ass istance in the noble transfer of US$1.500.000.00. This fund is the excess of what my branch in which I am the manager made as profit during the last year. I have already submitted an approved End of the last Year report for the year 2007/8 to my Head Office here in Accra and they will never know of this Excess. I have since then, placed this amount of US$1.500.000.00 (One Million Five hundred Thousand United States Dollars) on a SUSPENSE ACCOUNT without a beneficiary. As an officer of the bank, I cannot be directly connected to this money thus I am impelled to request for your assistance to receive this money into your bank account. I intend to part 30% of this fund to you while 70% shall be for me. I do need to stress that there are practically no risk involved in this.It is going to be a bank-to-bank transfer to your nominated bank account anywhere you feel safer.All I need from you is to stand as the original depositor of this fund.If you accept this offer, I will a ppreciate your timely response. With thanks Michael Ezra.

Scam letter 14

Subject: Computerised Balloting...Contact {}
From: 86537261 <>
This is to notify you that you have won £1.650,000.00 in
the Camelot online email promotion in which e-mail addresses are
picked randomly by computerised balloting, powered
by the Internet. Your email address was amongst
those chosen for this period.
Ticket N&#186;: 22-1356-4096-988,
Serial N&#186;: A069-07
Lucky N&#186;: 12-13-21-26-32-39 Bonus-17
Draw (1199)
To claim your prize, please contact via email:
Name,Address,Country,Age,Sex,Occupation,Phone, Fax:
MR. Albert Bridge
Phone: +44 703 593 9793
Yours faithfully,
Sara Ai Mattison
Online Coordinator.

Scam letter 13

Subject: Gentile Cliente,
From: CartaSi <>
Gentile Cliente,

Il codice dispositivo del suo conto on-line e stato inserito incorretto piu di tre volte.
Per proteggere suo conto abbiamo sospeso il acceso.
Per recuperare il acceso prego di entrare e completare la pagina di attivazione.

Grazie ancora per aver scelto i servizi on-line di CartaSi.
I migliori saluti.

Servizio Clienti CartaSi


Easy Claim и il servizio che fa per lei!


Per favore, non risponda a questa mail: per eventuali comunicazioni, acceda al Portale Titolari ( e ci scriva attraverso 'Lo sportello del Cliente': e' il modo piu' semplice per ottenere una rapida risposta dai nostri operatori.
Grazie della collaborazione.

Scam letter 12

Subject: New Message
From: Abbey <>
    Personal Home Page - New Message
Abbey account:  account number 09-01-XX XXXXXXXX
Date:                        01/26/2009    

You have a new message on your Messages Panel    

To read your message, just click on the link below and login.   .................................................................................................   The Messages panel on your Personal Home Page will tell you about any changes to the e-  banking service or any special offers that might be of interest to you.  

Abbey National plc. Registered Office: Abbey National House, 2 Triton Square, Regent's Place, London, NW1 3AN, United Kingdom. Registered Number 2294747. Registered in England. Telephone 0870 607 6000. Calls may be recorded or monitored. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. FSA registration number 106054. Abbey and the flame logo are registered trademarks.       ***This is an automated message, please do not reply***

Scam letter 11

Subject: INFOMATION!!!
From: <>

Congratulations to you as we bring to your notice the result
of once Email Award promotions.We are happy to inform you that your email I.D.
address have emerged a winner.€ Euros (One Million Euro)ONLY IN AN

NOTE: To file for your claim, please contact the claim department below
on email or phone
International Securities,
Name:Mr.Water Anderson


PROMOTION DATE: 23rd of JAN, 2009.
Lucky Number: 34-45-64-55-58

Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Montana Loma
(Lottery Coordinator Dept),

Scam letter 10

Subject: Restore your access.
From: Capital One Services, Inc. <>

Security Notice

Please go to your account to solve the problem

To log in click here

Copyright ©2009 Capital One Services, Inc.

Scam letter 9

Subject: Please act now for your tax refund!
From: IRS <>

After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity we have determined that you are eligible to receive a tax refund of $109.30. Please submit the tax refund request and allow us 6-9 days in order to process it.

A refund can be delayed for a variety of reasons. For example submitting invalid records or applying after the deadline.

To access the form for your tax refund, please click here

Internal Revenue Service
  © Copyright 2009, Internal Revenue Service U.S.A..

Scam letter 8

Subject: You Have Won!
From: Euro-Millions Lottery <>

Dear Lucky Winner.

We are happy to inform you that your email address have emerged winner of
£1,000,000GBP only (One Million Great British Pounds Only) in Euro-Millions
Award. The online cyber draws was conducted from an exclusive list of
15,000,000 email addresses of individuals and corporate bodies picked by an
advanced automated random computer selection from the web.

Your email address is attached to Participant No.: *7*, Selection
Frequency.:*21*, Percentage.:*98.95%* and PROMOTION DATE: 23rd of October,
2008. Bear in mind that prizes will strictly be remitted to winners that
officially file in for their claim within the given time frame.

To begin your claim, you are to forward this message to our accredited claim
Euro-Millions Lottery
London, United Kingdom
CONTACT: Mr. Patrick Gomez
TEL: +44-701-113-0062

[FULL NAME OF WINNER]......................................
[RESIDENT ADDRESS].........................................
[DATE OF BIRTH]...../...../......... [SEX].................
[CURRENT EMAIL]............................................
Your prize award has been insured with your email address and will be
transferred to you upon meeting the requirement of the gaming board authority
which includes your statutory obligations. Be advised that all information
pertaining to this WINNING FUNDS should be kept extremely CONFIDENTIAL
till the
funds get to you. This is to aviod double claiming of funds.

Best Regards,
Mrs. Anna Rolland
Euro-Millions Lottery

Scam letter 7

Subject: Fraude Concernant votre compte
From: Service Sйcuritй <>
Informations concernant votre compte:
Cher client PayPal:

Attention! Votre compte PayPal a ete limite!

Dans le cadre de nos mesures de securite, Nous verifions reguliиrement l'activite de l'ecran PayPal. Nous avons demandй des informations а vous pour la raison suivante:

Notre systeme a detecte des charges inhabituelles а une carte de credit liee а votre compte PayPal.

Numйro de Rйfйrence: PP-259-187-991

C'est le dernier rappel pour vous connecter а PayPal, le plus tфt possible. Une fois que vous serez connecter. PayPal vous fournira des mesures pour retablir l'accиs а votre compte.

une fois connecte, suivez les etapes pour activer votre compte . Nous vous remercions de votre comprehension pendant que nous travaillons а assurer la sйcurite compte.


Nous vous remercions de votre grande attention а cette question. S’il vous plaоt comprenez que c'est une mesure de securite destinйe а vous proteger ainsi que votre compte. Nous nous excusons pour tout inconvenient..

Departement de revue de comptes PayPal

Copyright © 1999-2008 PayPal. Tous droits rйservйs.
PayPal FSA Register Number: 226056.

PayPal Email ID PP059

Scam letter 6

Confirmation Email lucky No 2-10-18-22-36-4/6
From: "" <>

Confirmation Email lucky No 2-10-18-22-36-4/6
You have won €750,000.00,Seven Hundred And Fifity Thousand Euros in De Euro millions Email Sweepstakes Program Corporation, held on the 16th of January 2009. in Brussels Belgium . We write to officially notify you of this award and to advise you to contact the processing office immediately. for the claim

Contact person,Mike Johnson (Mr)
TEL: +32-487-871-284 or +1132-487-871-284

Winning Information's
Reference No (14-23-16-40-48)
Serial No 16-4-38-37-20,
Lucky No 2-10-18-22-36-4/6
Batch No 3-12-30-8-42-10
Ticket No 28-20-15-19-22
Note: all winning must be claim not later than 20th of February 2009.
Mrs. Jennifer Taylor
Promotion co-cordinator.

Scam letter 5

Subject: Hi from Miss Anita
From: Anita Wemba <>

I have a new email address!
You can now email me at:


I'm seeking your investment/partnership assistance.


- Anita Wemba

Scam letter 4

Subject: Confirm Your Winning!!!
From: <>

Confirm Your Winning!!!
We are happy to inform you that you have emerged a winner under the Second Category of our promotion , Winners were picked by computerised system, drawn from companies and individuals e-mail addresses worldwide. The draws are officially announced 20Th, of January.2009.You have therefore been  awarded a lump sum of €500,000.00 (Five  hundred thousand Euro Only), which is the winning pay out for Category B winners.

NOTE: For easy reference and identification,find below your Reference Number, Batch Numbers, Ticket Numbers. Remember to quote these numbers in your correspondence to our claim Department and also the following information. Ticket Number: 640/0213, REFERENCE NUMBER: 4034/8161/04, BATCH NUMBER: 15/011/IPD
Please contact Glo Link Claim department immediately for due processing and remittance of your prize money to your designated account of your choice:

Tel#    +31-624-189-697
Sincerely Yours,
Mrs. Grace Coka
Public Relation Officer

Scam letter 3

Subject: God bless you
From: Rev.Joseph Mark <>


Taking into Consideration that we have not met before or had any previous dealings,l know that this correspondent will come to you as a surprise although it's with good motive.My name is Rev. Joseph Mark, an
International Missionary formerly based in Liberia.l am now in
the Refegee Camp,In Greece.

A few year's ago I was in Liberia where I had established a little congregation where I preached regularly, but the civil war escalated and the church was converted to a hospital of sought.

On one faithfull day three Liberian Soldiers,whom l later learnt were special aids to the Liberian former President (Late Samuel Doe) came to me and left one trunk box containing money with me and swore to come back for it. But you guessed it, they never did because,they were among those who were captured and killed by one of the Liberian Rebels then,Charles Taylor,who later became the president,but now facing trail with United Nation for an offence against humanity.

After this incident,l was left with the box containing about $10.2 Million
Dollars(Ten Million Two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) Because of
the risk of keeping the said box on my possession due to the in-security in my temporary Church/Hospital,l decided to deposite the aid box with a security Finance Firm,which has it's branches in many parts of Europe,Asia,America and Africa.

Over years after this urgly incident,l had tried all l could to locate either the address of the slain Soldiers or any members of their immediate families,but all to no avail.

Now because l was among those who were evercuated from Liberia recently due to another round of war between the last President,Charles Taylor and other Liberian Rebels,who were battling to take over power from him.l
am now writing to request for your assistance based on your willingness to accept my wish and conditions on which l want to use this said amount for.

Because of the natures of my profession (Missionary) l will not be able to stand to claim this Fund for my personal use,as it will attract questions from my followers who knew that l am only but a preacher,that is not supposed to be identified with such amount of money. That is why l'm seeking for your assistnace,so that you will stand as the owner of the Fund.

All the documents used in lodging the box/money in the security Company are all in my possessions.l will send them to you as soon as you show your willingness to take part in this objective. l will only need 30% of the total sum, to support my Missionary works. l want you to use part of the Money,(30%) to support your business and family and the remaining 40% MUST be used for charity,especially the ophans and widows within your Country and outside Your Country.

l pray the Almighty God will give you the courage to accomplish this in good faith. If you think that you can be of use to this humanity services.

Yours Sincerely

Rev. Joseph Mark

Scam letter 2

Good News
From: "Mrs Rebecca Auris" <>

Congratulation” you have won $1, 000, 000, 00.One Million US dollars winning No: 24/2/6/37/15/45 with a ticket number: B9665 75604546 199 in the just concluded draw held to promote South African 2010 World Cup,

Tel:+27 78 5500812

Give your agent this info:
Your Name
Address, winning number
Company and Occupation.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Rebecca Auris
(Zonal coordinator)

Scam letter 1

*IMPORTANT* Unauthorised Logon On Your Online Banking
From: "Abbey National Bank" <>

Security Alerts

During our regular update and verification of the Abbey National Online Banking Service, we could not verify your current information. Either your information has been changed or incomplete, as a result your access to use our services has been limited. Please update your information.

To update your account information and start using our services please click on the link below:

However, Failure to do so may result in temporary account suspension. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thanks for your co-operation

Abbey National Plc
Security Advisor
Abbey Financial Group.

Please update your records on or before 48 hours, a failure to update your records will result in a temporal hold on your funds.

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